- Učlanjen(a)
- 07.03.2011
- Poruka
- 3.137
Speedcam for CoPilot
Update [01.2023]
Instrukcija -
Raspakujte arhivu - Europe.rar - i u folderu - Europe - imate folder - save.
Sadrzaj foldera - save - kopirati u - com.alk.copilot.mapviewer ->save.
Pokrenuti CoPilot.
U CoPilot options ->Security Alert ->Locations ->Report on location ->Select locations for reporting ->Select speed camera.
Update [01.2023]
Instrukcija -
Raspakujte arhivu - Europe.rar - i u folderu - Europe - imate folder - save.
Sadrzaj foldera - save - kopirati u - com.alk.copilot.mapviewer ->save.
Pokrenuti CoPilot.
U CoPilot options ->Security Alert ->Locations ->Report on location ->Select locations for reporting ->Select speed camera.
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