Sol Niger

Sol Niger

Under the sea
Dead cities in the dark
Dreaming themselves to be
Alive once more
And in darkened rooms
As vaulted tombs
We hear them call
As sea devours land
Towers yield to the sand

Oh shine on Black Sun upon all Carthage
As a disease on all fours risen from sea
Yea shine on Black Sun upon all Carthage
and that which never was shall always be

And I would see the world revolve
Around the crosses tips
Fleeing the sun
The vulture
Swooping down on a carrion
Laughing into the nothingness
That we flee
In mortal fear

Oh shine on Black Sun upon all Carthage
As a disease on all fours risen from sea
Yea shine on Black Sun upon all Carthage
And that which never was shall always be

For what is eternity
But a shoreless sea
One eternal day
That sees us come and move away


Down on the street
The night is a whore
for dreams of fools
Where things of old
Still turn to gold
In hands of ghouls

Oh I would castrate you
A choir of the damned
To sing you songs of love
Of kisses cursed by the Dog star
And when the summer turns to fall
I'd stay with you
Watching the leaves turn gold and grey
outside your room

For here is juice of poppy bruised
With hemlock black and poisonous infused
Yeah life is a witch
And then you fly


Down on the street
The neon spells out my true love
Oh how I fell for her kisses cold
On my skin as a tip of steel

Led by the angels white
Through gravestones blank and clean
On thru the pastures of green
I'd be all things that might have been

And where the angels fear to tread
I'd walk with you
For there is nothing
that can harm a love that?s true

For here is juice of poppy bruised
With hemlock black and poisonous infused
Yeah life is a witch
And then you fly


And death is not black
But snow white as charms
Treasured out of sight
Untouched by the August sun
Unto which all life must be undone
Oh in the end
Love, dream and death are one again
Omega Therion

Omega Therion

For want of an angel
For all the lead that you thought you turned gold
There is something that you still want to know
Il Penseroso led you astray
To the woods and the wild
The pathless way
And you followed the trail that Shelley fared
Gazed on dead kings with your sullen despair
Even the dome of the rock in Blake?s city
Bore no trace of St. Augustine

And you studied Plotinus
Thrice great Trismegistos
Knew the reign of Hister and Niebelung
Nietzsche, Vril und Gotterdammerung

Do you want an angel
Heaven clad as the stars fell
Do you want an angel
Poison of god to make it well

For want of an angel
For all the blood that you turned into ink
You found yourself still searching
A Heosphoros for a Golden Dawn
A scarlet sunrise for Babalon
Someone to stop all the watches now
Someone to bring this shithouse down
All things must have an end
All things for all men

Oh forget the Tuesday baby
Let it be a doomsday baby
Come on and suck a megaton
Omega Therion

So it is time
Unbind the lines of horizon
Omega Therion
Take you away
Emerald Green

Emerald Green

There is an angel
To teach you see
With the eyes of Emerald Green

For darling
All love is witchery
God forsaken deviltry
To draw our blood
For all world to drink

And love will come
And love will go
Oh suffer not a wish to live
For you can't follow

And darling
There is an angel
To teach you wisdom of all Heaven
The pride of all Hell

For darling
All knowledge comes with pain
And all things are still the same
No matter what their name

And if nothing is true
More or less
The only truth must be

[The call of the 2nd & 3rd Aethyr by Fr. Perdurabo]

And darling
Be sure of the Devil
Be wary of knots
Tied as a ladder
Under a hill

For darling
There is an angel
To teach you see
With the eyes of Emerald Green
Deggael: A Rat's God

Deggael: A Rat's God

I took my fire upon a mountain
To mock all truth that flatters men
And I damned all hope
That tomorrow shows
For I cursed all life there is
As screaming ghosts
No heaven knows

And I want to be high
As the suns that shine
All the time

I took my fire upon a mountain
To sift through thoughts of all beasts and men
And I purged the gold
Thru which the world shall end
For I courted the Dragon
Yeah that old serpent

And I got to be high
As the suns that shine
All the time

And all of thee
Shall be drunk of me
Oh yes you will
I think I'm Deggael
Errata Stigmata

Errata Stigmata

Oh well hey / What did you learn today / Of all the world and its pain / Of
Archons insane?
Oh there's a hole up in the sky from where the angels fall / To bring us
sword and sire children that grow up too tall

Oh there's a hole down in the ground where all the dead men go / Down
purgatory's highways they gun their souls

Oh say you love Satan

Yeah right

What did you learn today / Crossing your fingers / Applauding the play?

Cough up all sixes that you know all signs of horns that you can show /
Maybe you too are like unto the Beast unto the Fiend and Foe

For certainly the hoof and horn must be whereever hair will grow / To call
upon the spirits foul to dance upon your goddamn soul

Oh say you love

Say you love Satan

Yeah right
Radio Werewolf

Radio Werewolf

Tune on / Tune in / And drop out / Drenched in ye olde Teufelkunst / Licked
from perdition's mouth / With steel beacons high / Against the blood red sky
/ The pitchforks sing the lullaby

And I'll say / I wanna be alone just go away / And I'll say / I wanna be a
star for just one day

On Radio Werewolf

Tune on / Tune in / And drop out / Come in Tango Omega / King Fear is on the
dow / Up from the roof of the world / He plays our little lives / As LP's on 45

And I'll say / I wanna be alone just go away / And I'll say / I wanna be a
star for just one day

On Radio Werewolf

The sleep of monsters produces reason

And I'll say / There's gonna be the hell to pay / And I'll say / I wanna be
a star for just one day

On Radio Werewolf

On turntables emerald and green / On sieges perilous 13 / Play twinkle
twinkle little star / And I'll wonder what you are / Oh how we wonder / Just
what we are
Hand of Glory

Hand of Glory

Ashen the world creates itself / Up the branches down the roots / Pecked at
by birds / By worms gnawed / At the crossroads / By the graves among the
rowan trees / Nailed white as ivory / With skulls that grin amidst the rot

For strange are these woods to fare / Stranger the fruit they bear

Oh hang me high / Upon that tree / For all the secrets to find me / As
ravens' claws / As eagles' bills / As Wotan's eyes upon the hills / Oh ten I
have of fingers fine / For all the evil's work in the night / Oh baby I will
grow for you from a tree

Burning with glory

Given to trolls and ogre broods / Days will drown in twilight's gloom /
Where black dogs howl / Pulling up mandragore / Chained to the ash forever
more / Deaf to the world's grey roar / Digging up treasures vile and foul

Eye for an eye for a rune / Drawing down the waning moon / Howled at by all
wolves / Ensnared 'til the day of doom

So hang me high / Upon that tree / For all the secrets to find me / As
ravens' claws / As eagles' bills / As Wotan's eyes upon the hills / Oh ten I
have of fingers fine / For all the evil's work in the night / Oh baby I will
grow for you from a tree

Burning with glory

All crooks and ghouls who understand / Cherish the work of idle hands / All
of the pages turned / All of the treasures yearned / All of the fingers

Burning with Glory


All of the battles lost and won / All of the things we've said and done /
Become the dark that wells beneath the floor / Lost in a world that I don't


Where no truth will set you free

All of the lessons that we learned / All of the bridges that we burnt /
Boons for a cruel, jealous god to trade / Lost in a world that slowly turned

All insane

Where no truth will set you free

All beauty houses the heart of pain / Kissed by the evil / In good contained
/ And all truth's grown sad with ages taint / All of our charmed lives

Where no truth will set you free