French kiss

She comes to class at half past seven
Me and the boys think she's heaven
Mademoiselle Angelina french will teach
And we know it very well she's a little bitch
But i know
From the class i'm the one that will pass

Cause everytime she's teaching we go "C'est la vie!"
Her lesson is french kissing and she's kissing me
"Voulez-vous" she's singing i said let it be
If anybody's asking "C'est la vie!"(x2)

I turn 18 and she is 30,
But she is hot and i am naughty,
Mademoiselle Angelina french will teach
And we know it very well she's a little bitch
But i know
From the class i'm the one that will pass.

Cause anytime she's teaching we go "C'est la vie!"
Her lesson is french kissing and she's kissing me
"Voulez-vous" she's singing i say let it be
If anybody's asking "C'est la vïe!"(x2)

Refren: (x4)
How deep is your love

I'm trying..not
To be falling,
While I'm into
Thinkin' of you..
Wanna touch you

I'm drowning..
Inside you,
And ever,and ever..

How deep is your looooooooove..
Your looooooooove, your loooove !
Your love,your love,your love...

'm trying ...to
See you flying
Wanna take you
Into the blue
Wanna hold you

I'm feeling
So magic
When you're here
There's no fear, there's no fear
How deep is your looooooooove
Your looooooooooove, your loooove !
Your love,your love,your love...

I'm falling
Inside this feeling
So keep me falling
Right inside you
Having no clue..

Keep me falling
We're falling
Into the blue
Having no clue
What should we do
We'll be falling ïn....
Akcent feat. Alexa - Lacrimi

Tocmai scrii povestea unei despãrþiri
Pui pe foaie lacrimi ce sunt ºi amintiri
Orice ai spune acum nu mai vreau sã lupt

Îmi repeþi într-una cã te vei schimba
Mi-ai promis mereu cã va fi cum era
Orice ai spune acum nu mai vreau sã lupt

De ce plângi la nesfârºit, nimeni n-a greºit
Dã vina pe mine, ochii mei sunt goi
N-au lacrimi pentru noi, lasã-mã sã plec

De ce plângi la nesfârºit, nimeni n-a greºit
Dã vina pe mine, ochii mei sunt goi
N-au lacrimi pentru noi, lasã-mã sã plec

Ãsta e sfârºitul, cred cã-l aºteptai
ªtiu atâtea lucruri ce le ascundeai
Mã minþeai zâmbind când mã sãrutai

Dupã uºa asta e un alt început
Lasã tot aici chiar dacã a durut
Uitã acum de mine, o sã mã descurc

De ce plângi la nesfârºit, nimeni n-a greºit
Dã vina pe mine, ochii mei sunt goi
N-au lacrimi pentru noi, lasã-mã sã plec

De ce plângi la nesfârºit, nimeni n-a greºit
Dã vina pe mine, ochii mei sunt goi
N-au lacrimi pentru noi, lasã-mã sã plec

De ce plângi la nesfârºit, nimeni n-a greºit
Dã vina pe mine, ochii mei sunt goi
N-au lacrimi pentru noi, lasã-mã sã plec

De ce plângi la nesfârºit, nimeni n-a greºit
Dã vina pe mine, ochii mei sunt goi
N-au lacrimi pentru noï, lasã-mã sã plec