TOM TOM Navigacija

Tom Tom 1.4 + Europe TRUCK v971.7497, CAR +APK
nova karta važi za sva prevozna sredstava i kamione

ko ne koristi za kamion

neka izbriše
1. Europe_TRUCK-100787.tmeta
2. trucks.dat

Cucu se ja danas sa bratom da utvrdimo koliko memorije ima jer je to na prvom mestu bitno. Recicu mu da kupi karticu od 8gb, nadam se da je uredjaj podrzava i da moze da je cita. Samo mi nije jasno sta je to mata code za karte i od cega zavisi da li to postoji i gde naci taj meta code?

Послато са SM-N920C уз помоћ Тапатока
to je kao serijal za aktivaciju karti, fast activate je kao keygen,
u samom fast activate piše koje meta codove sadrži. obavezno apdejtuj bazu podataka kroz fast activate pre upotrebe.
Koliko kapiram taj fast activate.exe se kopira u root memorijske kartice na tomtom uredjaju i pokrene se. Samo ne kapiram kako se pokrene. Poprilicno mi je ovo apstraktno, posebno jer nemam taj tomtom uredjaj u rukama

Tom Tom 1.4 + Eastern Europe 970.7466


Tom Tom 1.4 + Europe TRUCK v971.7497, CAR +APK
nova karta važi za sva prevozna sredstava i kamione

ko ne koristi za kamion

neka izbriše
1. Europe_TRUCK-100787.tmeta
2. trucks.dat


za verzije androida ispod 4.4.x

podesiti drugu putanju
sd kartica/tomtom/com.tomtom.europe/files


Imam Android 4.2.2 i ne polazi mi za rukom instalacija. Cinimi se da ne kopiram datoteku na tacnu lokaciju (probao sam ovu sd kartica/tomtom/com.tomtom.europe/files). Dakle pokrene app i kaze da ne moze da se poveze sa serverom.



Namestio :D
Poslednja izmena:
Komunikacija sa TomTom Supportom u vezi ispravke greške u mapi za Beograd

Najpre da ovde priložim mejl koji sam jutros poslao kao odgovor na njihov jučerašnji, koji smatram posebno nekorektnim jer se bavi formom a ne suštinom. Previše neprofesionalno od jedne tako velike kompanije.
Re: Re: TomTom: TomTom maps for Serbia - Error in Belgrade TomTom Map - Pionirska Road

Reference Number: 160719-002257

Dear Mr Bhavesh,
Now you can see that with my email address associated navigacion device (picture "My Account") TomTom app for Android, tomtom GO Mobile, App version 1.11 release/1.11 (1555), Map version970.7464 (Eastern Europe). Please, would you like to see picture in attachment "App version & Map version".
I'm from my application sent Report that Pionirska Roud is ONE-WAY, picture "One-Way Direction.
begin from approximately coordinates (44.76868N, 20.43834E) and ended at coordinates (44.76364N, 20.43223E) degree.
Also, I repeat my PHOTOS I made on point "A Begin One-Way" and point "B End One-Way". Photos with same names "A Begin One-Way" (traffic sign at photo: ONE-WAY DIRECTION) and "B End One-Way" (traffic sign at photo : BLOCK DIRECTION).
In attachment also are pictures with two TEST routes : from C to D (picture "Route from C to D") and from D to C (picture "Route from D to C").
Address at C is Pionirska street 32, at D is Kneza Viseslava street 88.... These addresses are at pictures in attachment.
As you see, boath TEST routes are same. That is not correct. Road Pionirska is ONE-WAY Road with directions which is shown at picture "One-Way Directions".
ONE-WAY part of Road Pionirska you can see on my video
from 7:52 to 9:44
I hope that you find now these data are sufficient to correct errors in your TomTom map in Belgrade.
Best regards,
Srboljub Kuzmanovic

P.S. In attachment I send to you four pictures from Sygic GPS android navigation (as RAR file) which use same TomTom Maps. As you see, the same error is repeated !

Reference Number: 160719-002257
Recently you contacted us at TomTom Customer Care. Here is a summary of your request. You can find our response below.
Bhavesh G. (UK), 26/07/2016 03.03 PM
Dear Mr Kuzmanovic,

This is Bhavesh again from TomTom Customer Care Team following up with you. Thank you for your response.

I have checked and found that no device is linked to your account ( Can you please provide me with the name of TomTom device you have and also the map version installed on the device.

To check the map version on your device, please refer the steps mentioned on the link below :
Finding the software and map version on your navigation device
Looking further to hear from you.

With Kind Regards
Bhavesh G.
The TomTom Customer Care Team

Click here to reply

After 3 days your incident will be automatically set to Answered. However, should you need to update us, you can still reply to the incident within 28 days.
Srboljub Kuzmanovic, 26/07/2016 01.01 PM
Reference Number: 160719-002257

Dear Mr Bhavesh, Sorry but I have to re-send my Email because there is no answer. Maybe you did not see because it was the weekend.
With kind regards, Srboljub Kuzmanovic Belgarde, Serbia.

My previous Email with attachments :

Thank you that you want together with me fix TomTom map in Belgrade. Yes, road Pionirska in Belgrade (Serbia) is ONE-WAY ROAD. In TomTom map is now a two-way road. But, it's wrong. This road is ONE-WAY. Maximum speed is 50km/h, paved.
Direction as in the attached pictures. ONE-WAY part of road PIONIRSKA has coordinates approximately : START : 44.76868 N, 20.43834 E END : 44.76364 N, 20.43223 E The shape and position of the road you can see in the pictures "Road without zoom" and "Road with zoom". ONE-WAY part of ROAD you can see on my video
from 7:52 to 9:44 I hope you find these the data are sufficient to correct errors in your TomTom map in Belgrade. Best regards, Srboljub Kuzmanovic From:
TomTom Support Team To: Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 4:33 PM Subject: TomTom: TomTom maps for Serbia - Error in Belgrade TomTom Map - Pionirska Road is ONE-WAY [Incident: 160719-002257]

==================== image File Attachment ====================
Road With zoom.jpg, 57531 bytes, Added to incident

==================== image File Attachment ====================
Road Without zoom.jpg, 101394 bytes, Added to incident

==================== image File Attachment ====================
ONE-WAY End.jpg, 177230 bytes, Added to incident

==================== image File Attachment ====================
ONE-WAY Start.jpg, 159994 bytes, Added to incident
Srboljub Kuzmanovic, 22/07/2016 11.16 PM
Reference Number: 160719-002257
Thank you that you want together with me fix TomTom map in Belgrade. Yes, road Pionirska in Belgrade (Serbia) is ONE-WAY ROAD. In TomTom map is now a two-way road. But, it's wrong. This road is ONE-WAY. Maximum speed is 50km/h, paved. Direction as in the attached pictures. ONE-WAY part of road PIONIRSKA has coordinates approximately : START : 44.76868 N, 20.43834 E END : 44.76364 N, 20.43223 E The shape and position of the road you can see in the pictures "Road without
zoom" and "Road with zoom".
ONE-WAY part of ROAD you can see on my video
from 7:52 to 9:44
I hope you find these the data are sufficient to correct errors in your TomTom map in Belgrade.
Best regards, Srboljub Kuzmanovic

==================== image File Attachment ====================
Road With zoom.jpg, 57531 bytes, Added to incident

==================== image File Attachment ====================
Road Without zoom.jpg, 101394 bytes, Added to incident

==================== image File Attachment ====================
ONE-WAY End.jpg, 177230 bytes, Added to incident

==================== image File Attachment ====================
ONE-WAY Start.jpg, 159994 bytes, Added to incident
Bhavesh G. (UK), 22/07/2016 03.33 PM
Dear Mr Kuzmanovic,
Thank you for contacting TomTom Customer Care Team. My name is Bhavesh and I am happy to help you.

The reference number for your query is 160719-002257.
I understand the Road Pionirska in Belgrade (Serbia) is ONE-WAY ROAD but its direction is wrong in TomTom Maps and you have tried reporting through Map share but you get an error message.
Apologies for the inconvenience this may have caused. Please be assured that I will put my best efforts to assist you.
I have escalated your case for investigation. I will update you immediately as soon as I receive an update about your case.
Please let me know if you have further questions in the meantime.
With Kind RegardsBhavesh G.The TomTom Customer Team

Click here to reply

If you have any further questions you can update us by replying directly to this email, or you can click here to reply using our online form. Alternatively you can find your answer on our support website You can also ask questions and find answers from other TomTom customers on the Discussions forum:

After 3 days your incident will be automatically set to Answered. However, should you need to update us, you can still reply to the incident within 28 days.
Administrator, 22/07/2016 11.32 AM
Dear Mr/Ms ,
We apologize for not yet having responded to your email dated 19/07/2016 05.45 VM.
We will get back to you as soon as possible and apologize for the delay in answering your query.
Thank you for your patience and best regards,
Your TomTom Support Team
Srboljub Kuzmanovic, 19/07/2016 09.46 AM
Because is more better proof with my pictures, I have to repeat. Road Pionirska, Belgrade (Serbia) is ONE-WAY ROAD . The correct direction is shown in Picture " Pionirska ONE-WAY ". Direction FROM A to B . Please, can you see photo " Position A (1) " from postion A. You can see sign ONE-WAY . On the photo " Position B (1) " you can see signs " No right turn " and " Direction is not allowed " (" Block road "). Photos B (2 ) and B (3 ) from same lokation. Photos A (2 ) and A(3) shows the quality and
the shape of the road. Please, can you change your map because this ERROR exists in the map for Sygic navigation (srb_ta_2016.03) and iGO navigation (Serbia_TomTom_2016.03) . NOTE : This error exists in all versions of TomTom maps for 2015.
Best regards Srboljub Kuzmanovic dipl electronic engineer Belgrade Serbia
P.S. Attachment picture

Road is ONE-WAY [Incident: 160719-002257]

==================== image File Attachment ====================
Position B (3).jpg, 888999 bytes, Added to incident

==================== image File Attachment ====================
Position B (2).jpg, 1208911 bytes, Added to incident

==================== image File Attachment ====================
Position B (1).jpg, 1017206 bytes, Added to incident

==================== image File Attachment ====================
Position A (3).jpg, 809284 bytes, Added to incident

==================== image File Attachment ====================
Position A (2).jpg, 953401 bytes, Added to incident

==================== image File Attachment ====================
Position A (1).jpg, 733147 bytes, Added to incident

==================== image File Attachment ====================
Pionirska ONE WAY.jpg, 263336 bytes, Added to incident
Srboljub Kuzmanovic, 19/07/2016 09.40 AM

Because is more better proof with my pictures, I have to repeat.
Road Pionirska, Belgrade (Serbia) is ONE-WAY ROAD.
The correct direction is shown in Picture "Pionirska ONE-WAY". Direction FROM A to B. Please, can you see photo "Position A (1)" from postion A. You can see sign ONE-WAY. On the photo "Position B (1)" you can see signs "No right turn" and "Direction is not allowed" ("Block road"). Photos B (2) and B (3) from same lokation. Photos A (2) and A(3) shows the quality and the shape of the road.
Please, can you change your map because this ERROR exists in the map for Sygic navigation (srb_ta_2016.03) and iGO navigation (Serbia_TomTom_2016.03). NOTE : This error exists in all versions of TomTom maps for 2015.

Best regards
Srboljub Kuzmanovic
dipl electronic engineer

P.S. Attachment picture
Administrator, 19/07/2016 05.45 AM
The following answers might help you immediately. Answers open in a separate window.
Answer Link: How can I report a map error?
Answer Link: How do I use Map Share on my TomTom app for iPhone?
Answer Link: What types of changes can I make using Map Share?
Answer Link: Why do I sometimes find map errors?
Answer Link: What is the Map Share Reporter and how do I use it?
Srboljub Kuzmanovic, 19/07/2016 05.45 AM
Hello. I've tried several times to edit TomTom map in Belgrade (Serbia) and to inform you that the way of Pionirska street is wrong. This road is ONE-WAY. The direction is drawn on first picture, TT 4.jpg. But I got the message (second picture, TT 5.jpg): "Sorry, we cannot accept reports in this country". Why ? It is big mistake in your map. Please can you see picture No. 3, TT 6.jpg (from Google Street View). If necessary, I can make a photo !
Please, can you answer me. Thanks in advance. Best regards !
Srboljub Kuzmanovic
dipl electronic engineer
Naravno, nije potrebno čitati ovu maratonsku prepisku. Dovoljno je samo videti šta je gospodin Bhavesh juče tražio od mene. Iskreno, dosta me je razočarao i on, a i čitav TomTom Support. Umesto da se koncentrišu na suštinu i da na svom TomTom sajtu provere moje navode u vezi jednosmernosti puta Pionirska, Mr Bhavesh se "zakačio" za formalno pitanje, koji TomTom uređaj koristim i koju verziju TomTom mape. Da ne bih dužio, pošto nemam kupljen njihov uređaj, sa Play Store sam na telefonu Samsung Galaxy J5 instalirao TomTom GO Mobile, verzija 1.11 sa Mapom Eastern Europe verzija 970.7464, 931MB. Sreća da se na linku, koji mi je Mr Bhavesh priložio, nalazi i ova Android navigacija.
Moj odgovor je na početku mejla. Sve navode sam ilustrovao i potkrepio činjenicama, skrinšotovima, koordinatama dela puta koji treba od dvosmenog označiti kao jednosmerni, gde je početak i kraj, fotografijama sa saobraćajnim oznakama na terenu...Kao što sam i u mejlu konstatovao, nadam se da će svi ovi podaci sada biti sasvim dovoljni da se ispravi greška koja utiče na pogrešno rutiranje za sve one koji iz južnih delova Srbije (Ibarska magistrala), i juga Beograda, idu prema centru grada, ka Novom Beogradu, autoputu za Niš ili Zagreb. Grešku sam prikazao TEST rutom od tačke C do D i od D do C, uz i niz šume Košutnjak. Rute su pogrešno identične...Slike su u prilogu. Samo bih napomenuo da sam skoro sve ove slike već ranije poslao, izuzev skinšotova iz aplikacije TomTom GO Mobile...Posle ovoga, izuzetno me zanima njihov sledeći odgovor.

EDIT 1 - TomTom u klin, ja u mapu
Stigao je prvi mejl. Od TomTom Community Mailer. Sve "maler do malera". Već sam navikao...
TomTom Community Mailer <> To

Message body
Dear srbabeg,
Julian has commented on your topic: Mapshare reporter- 'Sorry, we cannot accept reports in this country'.
Click here to view the comment
TomTom Discussions
Kako ih nije sramota. Julian "sa žaljenjem" kaže da ne mogu da prihvate izveštaj iz naše zemlje (Srbije). Dakle, i dalje ne žele da pogledaju TomTom mapu i uporede, recimo, sa Google Maps. Pa da se makar zamisle i provere. Diletanti. Ipak, pomenuti Julian na forumu je malo opširnije "komentarisao":

  • Staff
    Replies: 361


    2 hours ago
    Hi srbabeg,

    thank you for your feedback, sorry for my delay in response. We have quite an active Forum and unfortunately we are unable to be present in every discussion. We do log all the feedback however.

    Regarding your question: I also have no explanation why map error reports are not being allowed for Serbia, it is likely that there is a good reason for it. I asked my colleague for the reasons, I will come back once I have more info for you.

    Best regards,

  • Modbreak
    Replies: 361


    2 hours ago

    I just received the confirmation from my colleague, they are aware of this and will do their best to enable error reports for Serbia in about 4-6 weeks from now.
1) "Што се тиче вашег питањa, немам никакво објашњење зашто се примедбе, за грешке у мапи, не дозвољавају за Србију. Вероватно постоји добар разлог за то. Питао сам колегу за разлог. Обавестићу вас када будем имам више информација за вас".

2) "Управо сам добио потврду од мојих колега. Они су свесни проблема и даће све од себе како би се омогућиле примедбе о грешкама у мапи за Србију. Отприлике за око 4-6 недеља..."

Sve u svemu, nije bitno da se utvrdi da li greška u mapi postoji. Bitno je da se insistira na nelogičnoj formi. Napisaću Julianu, na forumu, nešto u stilu "Ne razumem u čemu je problem da razmotrite moju primedbu kada ste je već pročitali i sasvim dobro se upoznali sa greškom". Ipak, ovo je sve na forumu. Nadam da će Mr Bhavesh biti mar malo inteligentniji i korektniji...

Da li je sada svima jasno zašto osećam odbojnost prema TomTom mapi. Oni, koji imaju ovakav "support", ne zaslužuju pohvale iz Srbije... Zašto stručnjaci iz TomTom ne shvataju da u Srbiji postoji veliki broj skupocenih automobila sa TomTom auto-navigacijom. Naravno, i ta navigacija ima ovu grešku u mapi. O onim ostalim, "sitnim" (pogrešna zabrana skretanja levo kod Skupštine, pogrešna dozvola skretanja levo kod Vlade Srbije), da i ne govorim...Očigledno, TomTom nešto napravi, ali nikako neće priznati da su greške moguće. Ili da se saobraćajnice vremenom menjaju. Nije to "Sveto pismo"...
Jedna zanimljivost. Primedbe za mapu BiH mogu da šaljem. Ja ne razmem o čemu se radi...Bolje rečeno, odlično razumem :)

EDIT 2 - Obećanje da će se ispraviti greška u mapi
Pošto sam malo oštrije odgovorio gospodinu Julianu, danas se on oglasio na forumu. Najpre se čudio zašto sam rekao da njegovo objašnjenje vređa i mene a i moju državu...U svakom slučaju, napisao je da dobro poznaje Beograd (njegova devojka je iz Beograda), da će sada njegove kolege pokušati da isprave grešku. Ako nekoga zanima, ovako se odvijala, najpre svađa, kasnije prijateljska komunikacija.

Master Explorer
Replies: 7

SerbiaEast EU v 970.7464 (TomTom GO Mobile), srb.та.2016.03 (Sygic), Serbia_ТомТом_2016.03 (iGO)
16 hours ago

Hi Julian,

Mr. Julian, you insult my intelligence as an electronics engineer. Also, you are insulting and my country, Serbia.
I do not understand why such a big problem to you to look at my pictures and photos, my explanation ... My friend, it is enough to compare your TomTom map with Google Maps and Here Maps. You'll see that you made a huge mistake in your TomTom map.
Also, Belgrade the capital of Serbia. Did you know that in Serbia there are a number of expensive cars with the TomTom car navigation. The most of them using navigating with this same scandalous mistake.
So it's not more important form of the essence. But the point is that there is an error in the TomTom map. You keep insisting that it is not permissible objection from Serbia...Your support team asks me which TomTom devica I using...
This is a shame. Sorry...

Best regards,
Srboljub Kuzmanović
electronic engineer

The GK

TomTom Employee
Replies: 20

INDIAVia120TomTom Runner
6 hours ago

Dear All,
This is to update you that I have put the request for Serbia to be available in MSR for reporting Feedback and the good news is it has been processed
it will be made available in coming Production release of MSR targeting to be launched end of Q3 (Sept).
Your feedback is valuable to us, keep posting.


Replies: 365


2 hours ago
Hi Srboljub,

I don't really understand why you should understand my reply as an insult, I don't see any reason for that. Yes, I am quite familiar with Belgrade, my girlfriend is actually from Belgrade...

Of course I have checked your map feedback, and I will report this for you as soon as possible, thanks again for all those details. As I am not working for the maps department, so I cannot simply change this right now... I will have to wait for my colleagues to upate the MapShare system for Serbia. Once this is done, it will be corrected as soon as possible.

Please understand that we cannot simply take other map producers as source or reference for corrections in our own map corrections. That is legally not allowed and could be considered "stealing".

Customer support is asking which device you are using so that they can properly help you, that is very normal and nothing crazy about it.



Replies: 365


2 hours ago

I just checked in our internal system, my colleague already has shared your images with the maps team, who will investigate and fix this problem for you. It has not been fixed in the next map version (9.75), nevertheless my colleagues will implement a fix as soon as possible.

Master Explorer
Replies: 7

SerbiaEast EU v 970.7464 (TomTom GO Mobile), srb.та.2016.03 (Sygic), Serbia_ТомТом_2016.03 (iGO)
just now

Dear Julian,

Your last answer is the right reaction from company like as TomTom. Thank you very much !
Your answer it is not an insult was, but a system that uses the TomTom it is. Serbia is not in Africa. Belgrade is a great city, as you know.
I did not ask to change TomTom map of Belgrade only by comparison with other providers. I sent arguments. I sent you (to TomTom GPS maps company) photos from the road. The photos show the traffic signs at the beginning (One-Way direction) and end (Bloc direction). I sent screenshots with incorrect routing at Pionirska road. I sent the video clip showing this ONE-WAY (and DIRECTION) part of of the Pionirska road. I thought that this was quite enough...
I hope that it will now be all right.
Thank you so much, again.
A special greeting to your girlfriend from Belgrade !

Best regards,
Srboljub Kuzmanović

Kao što se može zaključiti, još jednom se pokazalo da kulturno ponašanje nigde u svetu ne daje rezultat. Sada, bar mi se tako čini iz poslednjeg komentara Mr Juliana, postoji neka nada da će TomTom ozbiljnije razmotriti moje dokaze : fotografije sa saobraćajnim znacima na putu, skrinšotove sa pogrešnim rutiranjem, kao i video snimak, na kome se sve može uživo proveriti. I Julian je naglasio da se, kako sam i pretpostavio, i u kompaniji TomTom ne priznaju situacije kako je neka mapa odrađena kod drugih provajdera, konkretno HERE i Google Maps...

EDIT 3 - "rat" se nastavlja
Iako imam utisak da će TomTom možda ispraviti ovu ogromnu grešku, morao sam i ja njima odgovoriti malo oštrije ("For TomTom Staff", post br. 8, srbabeg). Zbog principa i dostojanstva. Jer, ne mogu oni meni "soliti pamet" da je neophodno da znaju koji uređaj koristim jer žele da mi pomognu. Morao sam im reći "da ne pomažu oni meni, već ja njima, i to besplatno". Jer, suština je da li greška postoji u njihovoj mapi. A ona postoji. Dokazao sam im i skrinšotom sa navigacije TomTom GO Mobile. Iako su me sada "krstili" kao "Legendary Explorer", to mi ništa ne znači. To ide automatski. A, ukoliko se sada naljute, baš me briga. Imam bolju mapu, HERE, kao što sam im i to naglasio... Ovo je link, ako nekoga interesuje moje "prepucavanje" sa nadmenim TomTom supportom :

EDIT 4 (1.8.2016.) - TomTom je prihvatio da promeni smer Pionirske

Danas sam dobio mejl da će TomTom ispraviti grešku koja se tiče Pionirske u Košutnjaku. Međutim, pošto je TomTom pogrešno već menjao smer ovog puta, zahvalio sam se i samo napomenuo da vode računa da nije čitava Pionirska jednosmerna već samo deo, označen tačkama od A do B. Ovde je njihov odgovor sa informacijom da su izvestili Mapping Team i da će biti odrađeno. Ispred je moja napomena.
Dear Mr Bhavesh,

Thanks for the information for me. I'm glad that you have reported about ONE-WAY direction of part of Pionirska Road.

Please Note :

1) Through Košutnjak there are several roads with the same name Pionirska
2) Only a PART of the Pionirska road is One-Way direction, from A to B. From Boulevard Patrijarha Pavla to the point A is two-way road. From point B to the Kneza Višeslava street is two-way road also.

For the purpose of accuracy, I will attach only two pictures, "One-Way Direction" and "One-Way PART of PIONIRSKA"
And I will repeat coordinates of points A and B :

Point A : 44.76868, 20.43834
Point B : 44.76364, 20.43223

Best regards
Srboljub Kuzmanovic

Sent: Monday, August 1, 2016 4:21 PM
Subject: TomTom: TomTom maps for Serbia - Error in Belgrade TomTom Map - Pionirska Road is ONE-WAY [Incident: 160719-002257]

Reference Number: 160719-002257
Recently you contacted us at TomTom Customer Care. Here is a summary of your request. You can find our response below.
Bhavesh G. (UK), 01/08/2016 03.21 PM

Dear Mr Kuzmanovic,

This is Bhavesh again from TomTom Customer Care Team following up with you.
Thank you for your patience.

I have received an update about your case.
I would like to inform you that we have reported the One way direction for Road Pionirska, Belgrade (Serbia). I would also like to inform you that this now will be taken care by Mapping team.
Once the map changes from report is accepted, hopefully it will be implemented in upcoming map updates.

I hope this addresses your concern. If you have any more queries, please don't hesitate to contact me again.

With Kind Regards
Bhavesh G.
The TomTom Customer Care Team
EDIT 5 (2.8.2016.) - Potvrđeno da će TomTom promeniti smer Pionirske
Gospodin iz TomTom Customer Care Teama se javio, zahvalio mi se na trudu i predložio da proveravam naredne apdejte TomTom mape. Iako nisam nigde eksplicitno pročitao da je moja primedba već prihvaćena, na osnovu poslednje rečenice zaključujem da jeste.
Dear Mr K

This is Bhavesh again from TomTom Customer Care Team following up with you. Thank you for your response.

I would like to inform you that the information you have provided has been helpful in reporting the map changes for device.

I would like to thank you for providing the valuable information. Also I really appreciate all your efforts to get the issue reported to TomTom.

As I mentioned in my previous email, Once the report has been accepted, it will be implemented in upcoming Map updates. I would suggest you to check for the map changes in the upcoming few map updates.

I hope this addresses your query. If you have any more queries, please don't hesitate to contact me again.

With Kind Regards
Bhavesh G.
The TomTom Customer Care Team


  • My Account.jpg
    My Account.jpg
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  • App version & Map version.jpg
    App version & Map version.jpg
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  • Eastern Europe.jpg
    Eastern Europe.jpg
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  • One-Way Direction.jpg
    One-Way Direction.jpg
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  • A Begin One-Way.jpg
    A Begin One-Way.jpg
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  • B End One-Way.jpg
    B End One-Way.jpg
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  • C Pionirska street 32.jpg
    C Pionirska street 32.jpg
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  • D Kneza Viseslava street 88.jpg
    D Kneza Viseslava street 88.jpg
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  • Route from C to D.jpg
    Route from C to D.jpg
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  • Route from D to C.jpg
    Route from D to C.jpg
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Poslednja izmena:
Tomtom Go Navigation and Traffic v1.12 Build 1641 Patched

Ako imate vec instalisanu prethodnu verziju -

Dovoljno je sa ovom verzijom "pregaziti" postojecu i bit ce sacuvani svi podaci i podesavanja. Dakle, nije potrebno raditi deinstalaciju prethodne.
Po zavrsetku instalacije skinuti dodatnih cca 36 MB.
Nije potrebno ponovno skidanje mapa ako ste ih prethodno azurirali.
Nove, azurirane mape - Eastern Europe - skinite iz same navigacije - cca 893 MB
Vrijedi do - 01.01.2101. god.
Tnx - Deltafox79


Tomtom Go Navigation and Traffic v1.12 Build 1641 Patched

Ako imate vec instalisanu prethodnu verziju -

Dovoljno je sa ovom verzijom "pregaziti" postojecu i bit ce sacuvani svi podaci i podesavanja. Dakle, nije potrebno raditi deinstalaciju prethodne.
Po zavrsetku instalacije skinuti dodatnih cca 36 MB.
Nije potrebno ponovno skidanje mapa ako ste ih prethodno azurirali.
Nove, azurirane mape - Eastern Europe - skinite iz same navigacije - cca 893 MB
Vrijedi do - 01.01.2101. god.
Tnx - Deltafox79

Skinuo sam fajl pod nazivom

Dakle, ekstenzija obb. Kako se to instalira? Probao sam da raspakujem, ali ni tada ne dobijem apk.
Ako zelis da koristis sadrzaj obb foldera onda je potrebno prvo da instalises samu aplikaciju.
Obb u sustini sadrzi sve iz direktorija koji sadrzi i instalisana aplikacija.
Poslije instalacije NE POKRETATI navigaciju.
Sada kreirati folder obb npr. na ovoj putanji -
U ovaj folder ekstraktuj sadrzaj tog fajla.
Da izbjegnes ovu proceduru jednostavno instalisi ovu aplikaciju, povezi se na interent, skini dodatne fajlove, mape i sve ce da radi.