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Zanimljivi Programi

Free Music Downloader je profesionalana i efikasana alatka koja će vam pomoći u traženju iskidanju besplatne mp3 muzike " On Line ".
Samo trba da unesete ključne reči muzike koju želite...i kliknete na "
Search Music "( traži ) i dobiće te dugačku listu iste sa izvodjačima....ostalo je lako....

Koga interesuju detalji ....ima ....ali na engleskom...žalim...smile3

Powerful music search engine - Million songs available to download

The program was installed with a powerful music search engine which helps you find millions of related free music via keywords you typed into the search box.

Stable and fast download manager

You can add one piece of music or multiple pieces of music to download manger from the searching result, the download progress will be stable and fast.

Hot Music and song recommend all the time

Free Music Downloader will recommend keywords of the hot music and song on the top of the search box, so you will always be updated with the fashion.

Stunning Build-in Music Converter

This music converter help you to convert audio and video to any music formats (mp3,wma,m4a,ac3,wav,aac,oog)

You Best Ringtone Maker

Still worrying about how to download ringtones? With this powerful music downloader you can trim any music as your ringtones.

Flexible Built-in Music Player

Still worrying about the compatible playing music on different media player? The built-in Music player will help you enjoy whatever you have downloaded. All the music you download will be add to the play list. You can also add local music file to this player.

Compatible with all mobile devices

The music and MP3 you download can be transfer into any mobile devices like MP3 Player, iPod Nano, iPhone, Zune Player etc. Or you can transfer music to iTunes first, compatible with all player and devices.

Friendly and wonderful user interface design

The program has been designed by photographer engineer for about 3 month to make it more friendly use. Enjoy the beautiful design while downloading music.

Safe to install and easy to use. It is 100% clean, NO ADW
Poslednja izmena od urednika:
Zanimljivi Programi

FreeMem Standard 4.3

Publisher: License: Freeware Žalim ali sve je na ..engleskom...

FreeMem Standard is a small utility that helps you to get a performance boost after you work a lot with

heavyweight software, like photo editors, development environments or office suites. It can be done by

freeing up the unused (but allocated) Read-Only Memory (RAM) of your system. As you know, it's

important to keep it 'clean' since this type of memory is the faster that your PC can use to load

programs on.

FreeMem Standard offers a real-time status graph, showing you the current level of free RAM (the yellow

area). You need to pay attention to this level, and try to free it up when needed.

Please note that this program will work better with a minimum of 128 MB of RAM installed. If the status

graph shows a low level for a very long time, maybe you need to think about cleaning, reinstalling your

operating system, or upgrading your PC (adding more RAM).

FreeMem Standard lacks some features present in the Professional version, like the automatic free up

(after reaching a minimum level) and the placing of the program in the system tray.
Poslednja izmena od urednika:
Download Accelerator Plus

Download Accelerator Plus

Operating system: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/NT
Price: DžABA

I am very sorry that is not in the Srpskom language, but one day when America and England are proletarian country will find that the most suitable language for quick and clear communication among peoples around the world. When that day .... will be more on the " Srpskom " language...

CNET review
This download manager brings much more to the table than fast file transfers, but it definitely delivers those, too. Increased download speeds are Download Accelerator Plus's bread and butter, speeding up downloads by almost 200 percent in most cases and occasionally as high as 400 percent.

Besides splitting files into smaller pieces, it thrives on automatically seeking faster mirrors. It also can get a file simultaneously from several sites, which is useful if a particular site limits the download speed; it can resume downloads; and it can preview some media files while downloading. There's also a blacklist for sites that you never want to accept downloads from, and categorized folders and
filters to keep your downloads organized. DAP rolls in a media buffer, too, that allegedly will prevent streaming-video hiccups. Ensuring that you're running the latest version of the Adobe Flash player won't hurt, either.

Two new features include a UI change that lets users choose a Firefox- or Internet Explorer-styled download window, and integration with DAP's publisher's video converter. Downloading and converting video on the fly is a pretty smart way to keep the program fresh. The program will prompt you at your first attempt if you don't have the converter installed and guide you through its installation. Frustratingly, the install process will weigh you down with a ton of toolbars, default switches, and e-mail recommendations that you must opt out of for a clean installation.

Publisher's description
Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) 9.4 is the world's most popular download manager with over 190 million installs worldwide. DAP accelerates your download speed so you can get all your favorite files, applications, and videos as fast as possible. Additionally, DAP features powerful privacy, security, and file management tools letting you download with confidence and flexibility. DAP is easy to use working automatically with your web browser to provide the fastest download speed possible. Now, DAP 9.4 has been enhanced to provide the best possible performance with a power channel for consistent, stable, and reliable downloading. Additionally, DAP 9.4 includes fully featured Firefox integration letting you take total control when downloading with Firefox. Also a 64-bit Internet Explorer plug-in has been added so DAP can use the full power of 64-bit systems and software. In DAP you can download your favorite videos from YouTube and other popular video sites with a Video Downloader expansion. Downloading is safer as well thanks to innovative download security powered by SpeedBit's Multi Antivirus (MAV) Analysis that lets you compare what the leading Antivirus programs have to say about your downloads. DAP is available in 38 languages, with translations provided by users working on the SpeedBit Translation Wiki Project.
Poslednja izmena od urednika:
Zanimljivi Programi

June 13, 2010

Easy Flyer Creator is easy to use desktop publishing software that help you to design, create and print flyers, brochures, leaflets, certificates, photo frames, tickets, door hangers from templates in just 5 minutes! You are provided with more then 100 Free Templates.

Easy Flyer Creator is the best way to create, print and share interactive flyers, brochures, leaflets and other marketing material: after making flyers you can Print and Share the Documents via FTP and Email.

System Requirements: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7

File Size: 74.9 MB

Price: The program is available for $39.99, but it will be free for our visitors as a time-limited offer.

Easy Flyer Creator 2.0 is available as a Giveaway of the day! You have 20 hours to download and install it.
Video to Picture Converter

Evo jednog malog programčića sa kojim možete svašta lepo da uradite.... Ja sam ga instalirao i probao - " radi ko lutka " ( morao sam da ga probam....da ne bude da sam ponudio neko ...anje.... i uz put sam vam skratio vreme za instalaciju - nenamerno )

June 14, 2010

Video to Picture Converter is capable of converting almost all frequently used video files to JPG, BMP, GIF, TGA, TIF, PCX, PNG and ICO image. With this versatile video to picture converter, you can effortlessly convert AVI, MPEG, WMV, DVD(VOB), Dvr-Ms RM, RMVB, etc to image formats. And, it also allows you to convert the above videos to animated gif image.

System Requirements: Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/7; Intel 1.3 GHz processor or equivalent; 128MB of RAM (256MB recommended); 13MB of available hard disk space

File Size: 7.57 Mb

Price: The program is available for $9.90, but it will be free for our visitors as a time-limited offer.

Video to Picture Converter is available as a Giveaway of the day! You have 14 hours 20 minutes to download and install it.

Adresu već znate....
Zanimljivi Programi

Evo jednog malog programčića kojim možete zaštititi svoje sličice & slične aplikacije od neovlašćenog korišćenja.

June 15, 2010

Easy Watermarker helps you add visible transparent text and image watermarks to any picture to protect them from unauthorized distribution. The watermark can be any text such as copy right or company website or it can be any image you can create such as company logos.

Easy Watermarker gives you the freedom to place your watermark where ever you point the mouse on your image also to rotate your watermark image from 0 to 360 degrees. Easy Watermarker also has a built in screen shot function for grabbing active window, custom sized window or the entire screen.

System Requirements: Windows XP/ Vista/ 7 (x32)

File Size: 1.18 MB

Price: The program is available for $12, but it will be free for our visitors as a time-limited offer.

Easy Watermarker is available as a Giveaway of the day! You have 17 hours to download and install it.


June 16, 2010

Use Flow, the world’s fastest application launcher, to quickly and effortlessly access files, folders, websites and applications. Flow turns your keyboard into a launch pad for shortcuts. Activated by a shortcut combination (default ALT+Q), Flow displays a keyboard on your screen with shortcuts mapped to each key. Launching an application is then as simple as pressing the shortcut key you need, on your keyboard.

You configure the shortcuts yourself using fast and easy methods such as drag and drop, selecting from your “installed programs” list or browsing to a file/folder.

System Requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7; Microsoft .NET framework 2.0

File Size: 5.87 MB

Price: The program is available for $29.95, but it will be free for our visitors as a time-limited offer.

Flow is available as a Giveaway of the day! You have 16 hours 30 minutes to download and install it.
Mozilla Thunderbird

13 jun 2010 malim zakašnjenjem, ali je sve na budućem internacionalnom jeziku .....Srpskom jeziku

Era interneta je suštinski promenila veliki broj aspekata života svih nas. Pored obilja zabavnog i edukativnog sadržaja koje „mreža nad mrežama" nudi, jedna od oblasti ljudskog delovanja koja je pretrpela najveće promene je komunikacija. Elektronska pošta, e-mail, jedan je od najstarijih, ali i dalje najkorišćenijih, elemenata globalnog umrežavanja.

Usled dominacije web-mail provajdera poput Gmail-a, Hotmail-a i Yahoo-a, ljudi danas najčešće pristupaju svojoj pošti preko web interfejsa, upotrebom browsera. Ali, koristiti poseban mail klijent na računaru nudi par prednosti, kako za korporativne, tako i za kućne korisnike. Ekipa Interfejsa, stoga, danas ima zadovoljstvo da vam predstavi jedno kvalitetno rešenje iz te oblasti.

Mozilla je ime koje je dobro poznato među korisnicima interneta. Pri njegovom pomenu, najčešće se pomisli na Firefox, internet pretraživač dobrih mogućnosti. Mi se danas bavimo programom pod imenom Thunderbird, open-source alternativom zasebnim mail klijentima, poput čuvenog Outlook-a. Mozilla je nedavno osvežila Thunderbird verzijom 3, pa pogledajmo šta nam ona donosi.

Interfejs programa je relativno minimalistički, sa ciljem da vam ne odvlači pažnju nepotrebnim grafičkim egzibicijama, već da prezentuje sve potrebne elemente za svakodnevni rad. Naravno, pričamo o podrazumevanoj konfiguraciji. Poput svog „starijeg brata", Firefox-a, i Thunderbird se može proširiti i nadograditi setom add-on-ova, računajući tu i teme, kojima možete prilagoditi izgled programa svom ukusu.

Jedna od glavnih novina koju verzija 3 donosi sa sobom je mogućnost rada sa tabovima. Ova izuzetno praktična odlika je već duže vreme sastavni deo interfejsa gotovo svakog internet pretraživača, ali je njena implementacija kod mail klijenata mnogo ređe viđana. Sve pogodnosti koje vam tabovi pružaju u radu sa sajtovima, sada možete primeniti i prilikom čitanja i slanja lične elektronske pošte.

Ako koristite više od jednog mail naloga, kao što većina korisnika to čini, obradovaće vas činjenica da Thunderbird nema ograničenja po pitanju broja naloga koje možete konfigurisati i koristiti iz njega. Dakle, na veoma jednostavan način možete svu svoju poštu objediniti u jednoj aplikaciji, pri čemu će baza mailova biti čuvana na vašem računaru, te će biti dostupna i ako radite u offline režimu.

Ovo će posebno ceniti korisnici na dial-up i ostalim konekcijama starijeg tipa, koji nisu non-stop online. Dakle, dovoljno je pustiti Thunderbird da preuzme svu poštu sa svih vaših naloga, a potom se možete diskonektovati, i čitati pristigle mail-ove bez potrebe da trošite skupe telefonske impulse i minute pretplate.

Konfiguracija naloga je maksimalno uprošćena. Za ogromnu većinu mail provajdera, biće potrebno samo uneti vaše korisničko ime i lozinku, i Thunderbird će sam ispravno konfigurisati ostala podešavanja. Naravno, u slučaju da tako želite, moguće je i ručno do najsitnijeg detalja podesiti sve aspekte i parametre svakog od naloga koje ste uneli.

Pomenuli smo već proširivost Thunderbird-a sistemom add-onova, nalik onome za Firefox. Pored tema, na Mozillinom sajtu su dostupna i proširenja iz raznih drugih kategorija. Iako ih ima primetno manje nego za Firefox, dodataka ipak ima dovoljno, i oni vam mogu u znatnoj meri olakšati upotrebu klijenta, posebno ako koristite neki od najpoznatijih webmail naloga.

Naravno, kao sastavni deo aplikacije, tu su i odlično realizovan adresar, u kome možete čuvati kontakt podatke osoba sa kojima komunicirate, zarad bržeg unosa poruka, kao i editor mailova, upotrebom koga, uz punu podršku za HTML standard, možete lako sastaviti poruke kompleksnog izgleda i sadržaja, uz upotrebu različitih fontova, tabela, slika, linkova i sl.

Vredan pomena je i u potpunosti redizajniran sistem pretraživanja, tj. „Search". Klijent će indeksirati sve vaše mailove, tako da ćete uz pretragu po ključnim rečima lako i trenutno moći da pronađete bilo koji mail, poslat ili primljen, i uopšte, sortirati vašu bazu korespodencije po kom god kriterijumu da želite. Čak je moguće i pravljenje grafikona za tražene ključne reči, kojima se kasnije može dodatno manipulisati.

Mozilla Thunderbird je multi-platformski program, tako da je dostupan i za Mac OS i Linux operativne sisteme. Instalaciju najnovije verzije za Windows potpuno besplatno možete preuzeti iz download sekcije našeg sajta, na adresi
DAEMON Tools Pro Standard

June 17, 2010

Back up your physical CD, DVD and Blu-ray discs into disc image files which run directly on your hard drive, flash drive or network. Organize image collections with an electronic catalog.

Create up to 16 virtual drives that act just like “real” physical ones to access images’ data quickly. Work with images created by other programs — DAEMON Tools supports variety of image types. It’s an essential toolkit for emulation and disc image making. Get yours!

Key features:

* performs auto update;
* creates *.iso, *.mdx and *.mds images using preset profiles;
* emulates up to 16 CD/DVD/HD DVD/Blu-ray drives;
* performs image mounting to physical folders;
* compresses images;
* protects image with password;
* manages image collection’s;
* monitors virtual devices’ properties;
* offers friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI).

System Requirements: Windows 7/ Vista/ XP/ 2000 SP4

File Size: 10.3 MB

Price: The program is available for $29.95, but it will be free for our visitors as a time-limited offer.

DAEMON Tools Pro Standard is available as a Giveaway of the day! You have 16 hours to download and install it.
Zanimljivi Programi

WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe (World Cup 2010 Special Edition)

Pre odprilike 6 meseci instalirao sam jedan sličan nihov program WinX DVD Riper Platinum 5.9.2 .....koji vrlo lepo radi ono čemu le namenjen, a sada mi je stigao i update i dogradnja programa u sveobuhvatni alat. ....Ovo nije reklama ...već moj lični utisak.....

June 20, 2010

WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe fully meets video fans’ needs who are looking for website video downloader, HD video converter and DVD burner. The latest version of WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe is specially designed for football fans with iPhone 4 supported, offering a handy solution to download live video from World Cup 2010 live streaming website and video sharing sites like Youtube. Then convert to PC, iPad, iPhone, iPod, PSP or burn to DVD, just for personal collection. It allows users to convert among favorite HD and SD videos, such as AVCHD, M2TS, MKV, MOD, TOD, AVI, FLV, MOV, MP4, etc, as well as transfer video files to most popular portable devices.

Key features:

* It is the first HD video converter that supports converting Multi-track HD video BDAV, M2TS, MKV, and AVCHD, allowing you to choose any audio/video language track as you need.

* Convert between all popular video formats (SD videos and HD videos) such as AVCHD, MKV, MTS, MOD, TOD, AVI, MP4, MPEG, FLV, WMV, MOV, etc. Extract video from your HD camcorders. Make a digital copy of your Blu-ray video.

* Convert videos to both portable and console players, such as iPad, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, PS3, PSP, Xbox, Zune, PDA, Nokia, Blackberry,Android, Zen, etc,.

* This program not only helps you convert videos but also create DVD folder and burn general videos to DVD Disc.

* Work as a versatile website video downloader and DVD burner. Let you freely download videos from MySpace, YouTube, Metacafe, Break, etc. You can also directly convert website videos or create DVDs with them. All above can be achieved by only several simple clicks.

* Supports multi-core CPU, offering you up to 5x‐8x real time converting speed.

* Automatically fix incorrect video data.

System Requirements: Windows 98, NT, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, Windows 7

File Size: 10.7 MB

Price: The program is available for $29.95, but it will be free for our visitors as a time-limited offer.

WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe (World Cup 2010 Special Edition) is available as a Giveaway of the day! You have 19 hours to download and install it.