treba mi prevod ovoga

Dali su nam neke skripte na engleskom da učimo iz toga, e sad većinu sam preveo ali ova 4 pasusa ne mogu nikako da uklopim.
Pa ako nekog ne mrzi :)

If en engine operates with too lean an air-fuel mixture (less gas or more air than normal), the resulting temperature inside the engine is increased. A lean mixture burns hot and slow. Fuel inside the cylinder gas a cooling effect as it changes from a liquid to vapor (gas). A lean mixture haw fewer fuel droplets to vaporize; therefore, the fuel absorbs less heat and the combustion chamber temperature increases. A hotter-than-normal combustion chamber can cause enginedamaging ping (spark knock or detonation). The ping and heat may even cause holes to be burned in the tops of the pistons. The last thing the design engineers want to happen in the engine is for it to run lean. Therefore, whenever any malfunctioning sensor or system is detected by the computer, a richer mixture is usually commanded. Besides a richer mixture, a faster-than-normal idle speed may be enabled to spin the water pump faster and increase charging system current production. The cooling fan (s) also are often commanded “on” to help prevent the possibility of overheating.

To many technicians, an original equipment part is considered to be only marginal; to get the really “good stuff”, an aftermarket (renewal market) part has to be purchased. However, many problems can be traced to the use of an aftermarket part that has failed early in its service life. Technicians who work at dealerships usually go immediately to an aftermarket part that is observed during a visual inspection. It has been their experience that simply replacing the aftermarket part with the factory original equipment part often solves the problem. Original equipment parts are required to pass quality an durability standards and tests that are not required on aftermarket parts. The technician should be aware that the presence of a new part does not necessarily mean that the part is good.

6. The paper test.
A soundly running engine should produce even and steady exhaust at the tailpipe. Hold a piece of paper (even a dollar bill works) within 2,5 cm of the tailpipe with the engine running at idle.
The paper should blow evenly away from the end of the tailpipe without “puffing” or being drawn toward the end of tailpipe. If the paper is drawn toward the tailpipe at times, the valves in one or more cylinders could be burned. Other reasons why the paper might be drawn toward the tailpipe include the following:
a) The engine could be misfiring because of a lean condition that could occur normally when the engine is cold.
b) Pulsing of the paper toward the tailpipe could also be caused by a hole in the exhaust system. If exhaust escapes through hole in the exhaust system, air could be drawn in during the intervals between the exhaust puffs-from the tailpipe to the hole in the exhaust, causing the paper to be drawn toward the tailpipe.

9. Check the spark using spark tester.
Remove one spark plug wire and attach the removed plug wire to the spark tester. Attach the grounding clip of the spark tester
to a good clean engine ground and observe the spark tester. Start or crank the engine.
The spark at the spark tester should be steady and consistent. If an intermittent spark occurs, then this condition should be treated as a “no-spark” condition. If this test does not show satisfactory spark, carefully inspect and test all components of the
primary and secondary ignition system.
Do not use a standard spark plug to check for proper ignition system voltage. An electronic ignition spark tester is designed to
force the spark to jump about 19 mm. This amount of gap requires between 25 to 30 kV at atmospheric pressure. This is enough
voltage to ensure that a spark can occur under compression inside an engine.
REACH je u redu - Lean JE LOŠE
Ako sr motor radi sa previše nagnuti jedan klima - goriva smešu ( manje ili više gasa nego što je uobičajeno za vazduh ) ,rezultujući temperatura unutar motora je povećana . Mršav smeša sagoreva vruće i sporo . Gorivo unutar cilindra gasa efekat hlađenja , jer menja iz tečnosti u paru ( gas) . Mršav smeša haa manje kapljice goriva da ispari ; dakle ,gorivo apsorbuje manje toplote i povećava temperaturu komore za sagorevanje . Komora za sagorevanje topliji - nego - normalan može izazvati enginedamaging ping ( varnica potresa ili detonacija ) . Ping i toplota može izazvati čak i rupe da bude spaljen na vrhovima klipova . Poslednja stvar inženjeri dizajna želite da se dogodi u motoru je za to da se pokrene mršav . Dakle , kad god bilo koji neispravan senzor ili sistem detektuje računar ,bogatiji mešavina se obično naredio . Osim bogatije smeše , brže - od - normalno obrtaja u praznom hoduse može omogućiti da se brže okreće pumpu za vodu i povećati punjenje sistema trenutnu proizvodnju . Ventilator za hlađenje ( a ) takođe se često komandovao " na " da bi se sprečilo mogućnost pregrevanja .
" Original Ekuipment " NIJEčetiri slova
Za mnoge tehničara ,originalna oprema deo se smatra da je samo marginalno ; da se zaista " dobre stvari " ,aftermarket, ( tržište obnova ) deo mora da se kupi . Međutim , mnogi problemi mogu se pratiti na korišćenje nekog aftermarket deo koji je rano u svom životu nije uspeo servisa . Tehničari koji rade na dilere obično idu odmah na aftermarket deo koji se posmatra tokom vizuelnog pregleda . To je njihovo iskustvo da jednostavno zamene aftermarket deo sa originalnom fabričkom opremom dela često rešava problem . Delovi Originalni su obavezni da prođu kvaliteta drugi izdržljivost standarde i testove koji nisu potrebni na aftermarket delovima . Tehničar bi trebalo da budu svesni da je prisustvo novog dela ne mora da znači da je dobar deo.
6.Test papir . .
Čvrsto radi motor treba da proizvede čak i stabilan izduv na auspuh . Držite papir ( čakračun dolar radi ) u 2,5 cm auspuh samotor radi u praznom hodu .
Rad treba da duvaju ravnomerno daleko od kraja auspuh bez " hukće " ili se privuklo krajem auspuh . Ako sepapir nacrtana prema auspuh povremeno , ventili u jednom ili više cilindara može biti spaljena . Drugi razlozi zašto se može izvućipapir ka auspuh uključuju sledeće :
)motor može biti misfiring zbog ciste uslovom da može da normalno javljaju kada je motor hladan .
b ) pulsiranje papira prema auspuh takođe može biti uzrokovan rupa u izduvnom sistemu . Ukoliko izduvni pobegne kroz rupu u izduvnom sistemu , vazduh se može izvući u toku intervala između izduvnih nadima - od auspuh do rupe u izduvnim gasovima , izazivapapir koji se može izvući prema auspuh .
9. . Proverite iskru pomoću varnice .
Izvadite jednu svećice i priključite utikač uklonjen žicu na varnice testera . Pričvrstite uzemljenje snimak na varnice tester
na dobrom čist motora terenu i posmatrati ispitivač varnice . Počnite ili startovati motor .
Varnica na varnice testera treba da bude stabilan i dosledan . Ako dođe dovarnica isprekidan , onda ovo stanje treba tretirati kao " ne - varnice " stanju . Ako ovaj test ne pokaže zadovoljavajuće iskru , pažljivo pregledati i testirati sve komponente
primarni i sekundarni sistem za paljenje .
Nemojte koristiti standardnu svećicu za proveru pravilnog sistema za paljenje napona . Elektronsko paljenje iskra tester je dizajniran da
natera da skoči varnica oko 19 mm . Ova količina jaza zahteva između 25 do 30 kV na atmosferskom pritisku . To je dovoljno
napon kako bi se osiguralo davarnica može doći pod kompresijom unutar motora .