starcraft 2 problem nece da se ukljuci

nisam ja jedini sa ovim problemom i moji 2 druga isto imaju ovaj problem ali nista niko neume to da resi.
Skinuli se istu verziju, kao i ja.Postoji nacin i to da se pokrene ali neznam kako probacu da nadjem neko upustvo.
Znam da ga ima.
Evo nasao sam ja nesto pokusaj pa javi.

  1. Right click the Starcraft icon -> Properties -> Compatibility tab
  2. Check ALL the Settings, but do NOT check Compatibility Mode
  3. When you are ready to play, right click your desktop and click “Screen Resolution”. Leave this window open. Now launch Starcraft!
Ovo upusto vodi na to kako da resis taj problem, verovatno imas razor verziju:

- Mount the image
- Install game, not paying attention to online and skip activation on the key (or use the key (G8MN8UDG6NA2ANGY6A3DNY82HRGF29ZH), while in offline mode)
- Update the game
- Start SC2_COPY.exe to install additional content
- Start keytro.exe (can block anti-virus) and press F2 to activate the game offline
- Enjoy all the features single game in Guest mode (press the menu and select the Guest login account)