iGO Primo Theme Changer + Map Changer for Android

Nije mi jasno pitanje.Meni se cini da je rezolucija problem.....ubacio sam,, dt_sk_primo_android_800_480_V4.0_EUR+,,on se pokrene i odradi sve bez problema a ova rezolucija koja mene trena nece nikako.

U multimediji skina 1280_800 su sledeca podesavanja..
; mx=WidthMin..WidthMax, HeightMin..HeightMax,Folder
; OR
; mx=Width, Height ,Folder

Poslednja izmena:
možeš da eventualno ostaviš samo


ovo ostalo ti je nebitno

jesi probao verziju 800x480 možda je bolja
Jesam..probao sam ali rezolucija mi ne odgovara suvise sitne su komande i slova i nepopunjava cijeli ekran.Kada ostavim ovo m3=1024..1280,552..800,"1280_800"

desava se sledece.

Poslednja izmena:
pogledaj šta pišu instrukcije

I will share my experience to know the right values ​​of resolution to properly operate iGO PRIMO


- Install Android Assistant. Free. https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... nav_result

- Having installed iGO Primo course.

- Note that after installing Primo, always run twice as it is from the second launch you actually see if there is a problem or not.

- [Rawdisplay]
driver = engine
screen_xy = "auto"

screen_xy = "auto" works for you, so the result of this tutorial is not for you.

screen_xy = "auto" does not work because you are missing a piece of the display Primo. In general, it is softbar who eats a piece of the screen.


Launch Android wizard, select the "Tools" tab at the top right and select Tools "System Info"

By switching to portrait and landscape, the tool will give you the correct values ​​for your screen resolution.

This image has been resized. The original image is 800 x 1280. Click to view the full image.

In the example, the picture resolution is 800x1205

This image has been resized. The original image is 1280 x 800. Click to view the full image.

In the example, in landscape resolution is 1280x736

Now that I know the right values, I just change my sys.txt

driver = engine
screen_xy = "800_480: 800x1205/1280x736: fullscreen"

800_400 The fair value after the first quote is the resolution of data & branding:

- If I use for example the skin with a 800 multi data 800, the value will 800_480

- If I use for example the skin with a 1280x800 1280x800 data, the value will 1280_800


Since the update to Android 4.2 on my Nexus 7 tablet, Igo Primo with skin and 12800x800 data.

screen_xy = "1280_800: 800x1205/1280x736: fullscreen" primary plant

screen_xy = "800_480: 800x1205/1280x736: fullscreen" works, although 800_480 is not the res of my data / branding

These are friends

Hoping that it used to many members.

You must have a Primo works before installing the skin.
Reminder: for JB (Android 4.1.x) you must have a apk type 1.1 or 1.2 if Primo is silent.
To install the voice topic3145.html

To install the skin:
A - go to page downloads.php cat = 25?
- Download dt_lang_android and skin that suits you
---- 1 - Copy branding.zip at the root of iGO (after extracting the archive of skin)
---- 2 - Copy Lang_French_DT_Android.zip file iGO / content / lang. (Lang_French.zip Delete the file if it is present. Course with prior backup)
Reminder: there should be only one file in French lang iGO / content / lang and it must be Lang_French_DT_Android.zip

B - installation of voice:
Go to page downloads.php? Cat = 26
Download EUR + voice or voices Danger Zone (if you want rather than the radar "danger zones") and copy it to iGO / content / voice

C - For the upgrading of the new regulations (France) and have the "danger zones"
add this in your sys.txt:

speedwarn_icon = "speedwarn5.spr"
speedwarn_icon_0 = "speedwarn5.spr"
speedwarn_icon_1 = "speedwarn5.spr"
speedwarn_icon_2 = "speedwarn5.spr"
speedwarn_icon_3 = "speedwarn5.spr"
speedwarn_icon_4 = "speedwarn5.spr"

The skin will then switch to "Danger Zone" mode.

Note: By removing this entry in sys.txt you return to EUR + mode (it will also put the "voice" that manages EUR + alerts)

Mod Gpinpin v3.8a primo android GS3 1280_800 New

probaj ovo
[url=http://www31.zippyshare.com/v/28602157/file.html]Zippyshare.com - dt_mod__gpinpin_primo_android_GS3_1280_800_V3.8a.rar[/url]

Please backup your
Unpack the archive
To the data and place branding and place.

But I advise you to not have to put in the sys.txt
asymmetric_projection = 1

and uncheck the zoom settings in skin


Definitivno sto se tice tunela u full izdnju problem je u sys.tex kada njega izbrisem dobijam tunel na cijelom ekranu.To se desava sa bilo kojim brandingom,jos da pronadjem koji od onih parametara u sys,tex koje si mi dao da promijenim i problem sa full tunelom rijesen.

Sto se tice skina jos uvijek nista.
Ovaj skin radi nije los....Mod Gpinpin v3.8a primo android GS3 1280_800 New
Po mene ovaj je najboli,ako se korist themchanger ili mapchanger iz profila ....GjAk_v1.10_AriNe-38

Ima li novija verzija ovog skina GjAk_v1.10_AriNe-38.....problem koji mi se desava sa ful slikom tunela je do skina nije kako sam mislio do sys texta.Kada maknem ovaj skin imam ful sliku.
Poslednja izmena:
Ima li novija verzija ovog skina GjAk_v1.10_AriNe-38.....problem koji mi se desava sa ful slikom tunela je do skina nije kako sam mislio do sys texta.Kada maknem ovaj skin imam ful sliku.
Da li mogu da u content folderu imam samo jedan folder "map" (map_NQ i map_TT obrišem) kao i samo jedan folder "poi" (poi_NQ i poi_TT obrišem) i da u taj jedan folder (map i poi) spakujem recimo Contrast mapu za Srbiju i Navteq mapu za FYROM i Grčku, odn. Contrastov poi za Srbiju i Navteq poi za FYROM i Grčku?

Da li će to raditi kako treba (nije mi bitno da od Srbije rutiram do Grčke - znam da to ne može sa mapama različitih proizvođača) tj. da kada sam u Srbiji da radi mapa Srbije ili da kada sam u Grčkoj da radi mapa Grčke (po samoj Srbiji tj. Grčkoj, rutiranje između zemalja mi nije bitno)?
U content folderu sam ostavio samo po jedan map, poi, building folder, njihov naziv je baš tako: map, poi, building,
bez _NQ ili _TT.
U njima su samo Navteq mape i poi i ostalo za Srbiju, Makedoniju i Grčku.
Kada probam da rutiram do Grčke ili Makedonije iz Srbije, on krene da računa, prikaže rutu i
kada odem na GO, IGO se isključi (ne restartuje se već se samo isključi). Probao sam više puta
i sa više različitih destinacija. Isto.
Kada mu pak zadam neko rutiranje u okviru Srbije sve radi kako treba.
Šta sam uradio pogrešno?