Као што сам и напоменуо, поред трагова масонског присуства међу оснивачима и утемељивачима организација знане као Адвентисти седмог дана који се могу видети у графичким приказима и сликама надахнутим библијским темама, имамо и изразе који се користе у масонском речнику и не постоји могућност случајности. Сваки од израза је веома битан за ту групацију, тако да можемо срести неке од кључних. Ја нећу тражити на српском језику јер би ми то одузело много времена, зато ће текстови бити на енглеском језику и, наравно, мораће да се проверавају на српском.
Да не бих убацивао све термине одмах или ишао измешано, ићи ћу по једном одређеном термину који се протеже кроз многе пасусе текстова пророчице Вајт. Сада ћу презентовати термин који се јавља 55 пута по њеним списим, тако да нећу баш све да убацујем да се не гомила. Као што нам је добро познато, чим се спомене свевидеће око ( "ALL-SEEING EYE ") ми помислимо на масонерију. Као мали увод иде прво текст из дневног листа Данас.
Značenje masonskih simbola na znamenitim građevinama u prestonici
Svevideće oko nad gradom
Autor: Sanela Kesegi
Iako u Srbiji ima više od
20 formalnih i neformalnih masonskih hramova, broj građevina koje su u Beogradu „ukrašene“ masonskim simbolima nije poznat. Radi se o tajnom ključu jednog vremena, kada je naše društvo predstavljalo centar slobodnog zidarstva u istočnoj Evropi, čiji sveprisutni simboli, čak i kada im se vidno prodre u srž, za „neodabrane“ zauvek ostaju pod velom tajne.
Masonskom simbolikom se na jedan veoma zanimljiv i prijemčiv način pozabavio Zoran Lj. Nikolić u svojoj knjizi „
Masonski simboli u Beogradu“. On kaže da veliki broj građevina pored kojih naši sugrađani svakodnevno prolaze jeste „ukrašen“ masonskim simbolima, koji za neupućenog čoveka često nisu nikakav trag koji bi ih približio ovoj voljenoj misteriji.
Međutim, isti taj profani Beograđanin kada već otkrije da se na nekoj zgradi nalazi
masonski simbol, sigurno bi voleo da dozna i šta on znači.
Masonskih simbola ima i na nadgrobnim spomenicima, te tako na Novom groblju, na familijarnoj grobnici porodice Živadinović, kako Zoran LJ. Nikolić piše u svojoj knjizi, pored portreta jednog od pokojnika stoji i svevideće oko.
Svevideće Oko je važan simbol vrhovnog Bića, koji su
slobodni zidari pozajmili od naroda antike. Hebreji i Egipćani su izvukli njegovu upotrebu iz te prirodne sklonosti figurativnog uma da izaberu jedan organ kao simbol funkcije koju treba izraziti pojedinačno. Tako, stopalo je često bilo prihvatano kao simbol brzine, ruka kao snaga i šaka kao ispravnost. Po istom principu, otvoreno oko je izabrano za simbol opreznosti, a oko Boga kao simbol božanske opreznosti i staranja o univerzumu.
Simbol i u centru grada
Ispred SANU u Ulici kneza Mihaila nalazi se piramida koja je takođe masonski simbol. Bitno je napomenuti da ovde nije poenta piramida, već
svevideće oko. To oko je izostalo, verovatno kao posledica straha da ne bude previše opasno ukazivanje na masone.
[h=3]Dnevni list Danas | Beograd |
Svevideće oko nad gradom[/h]http://www.danas.rs/danasrs/srbija/beograd/svevidece_oko_nad_gradom.39.html?news_id=230522
![svevideceoko-280x300.jpg svevideceoko-280x300.jpg](https://serbianforum.org/data/attachments/20/20091-b66e23423886b3e5e6ca8343262dfd10.jpg)
Ellen G. White: “There is need of each one in every school and in every institution, being, as was
Daniel, in such close connection with the Source of all wisdom, that his prayers will enable him to
reach the highest standard of his duties in every line, that he may be able to fulfill his scholastic
requirements not only under able teachers, but also under the supervision of heavenly intelligences,
knowing that the
All-seeing, the Ever-sleepless Eye was upon him. “Special Testimonies on
Education," October, 1893. {FE 230.2}
Ellen G. White: “Many shepherds of the flock, who professed to love Jesus, said that they had no opposition to the preaching of Christ's coming, but they objected to the definite time. God's
allseeing eye read their hearts. They did not love Jesus near. They knew that their unchristian lives would not stand the test, for they were not walking in the humble path marked out by Him. These false shepherds stood in the way of the work of God. The truth spoken in its convincing power aroused the people, and like the jailer, they began to inquire, "What must I do to be saved?" But these shepherds stepped in between the truth and the people, and preached smooth things to lead them from the truth. They united with Satan and his angels, crying, "Peace, peace," when there was
no peace. Those who loved their ease and were content with their distance from God would not be aroused from their carnal security. I saw that angels of God marked it all; the garments of those unconsecrated shepherds were covered with the blood of souls.” {EW 233.2}
Ellen G. White: “God's
all-seeing eye notes the defects of all and the ruling passion of each, yet
He bears with our mistakes and pities our weakness. He bids His people cherish the same spirit of
tenderness and forbearance. True Christians will not exult in exposing the faults and deficiencies of
others. They will turn away from vileness and deformity, to fix the mind upon that which is
attractive and lovely. To the Christian every act of faultfinding, every word of censure or
condemnation, is painful.” – 5T 94-96255, Counsels for the Church (1991), page 177, paragraph 2.
Ellen G. White: “God's
all-seeing eye notes the defects of all and the ruling passion of each, yet
He bears with our mistakes and pities our weakness. He bids His people cherish the same spirit of
tenderness and forbearance. True Christians will not exult in exposing the faults and deficiencies of
others. They will . . . fix the mind upon that which is attractive and lovely. To the Christian every act
of faultfinding, every word of censure or condemnation, is painful...” – Lift Him Up (1988), page
287, paragraph 2.
Ellen G. White: “In the last great day decisions will be made that will be a surprise to many.
Human judgment will have no place in the decisions then made. Christ can and will judge every
case; for all judgment has been committed to Him by the Father. He will estimate service by that
which is invisible to men. The most secret things lie open to His
all-seeing eye. When the Judge of
all men shall make His investigation, many of those whom human estimation has placed first will be
placed last, and those who have been put in the lowest place by men will be taken out of the ranks
and made first.” – R.H., July 31, 1900. Medical Ministry (1932), page 133, paragraph 2.
Ellen G. White: “Satan is gratified to have the attention of youth attracted by anything to divert
their minds from God.... They are not aware that the heavenly Artist is taking cognizance of every
act, every word, ... and that even the thoughts and intents of the heart stand faithfully delineated. . .
. Those vain, frivolous words are all written in the book. Those false words are written. Those
deceptive acts, with the motives concealed from human eyes, but discerned by the
all-seeing eye of
Jehovah, are all written in living characters. Every selfish act is exposed. The young generally
conduct themselves as though the precious hours of probation, while mercy lingers, were one grand
holiday, and that they are placed in this world simply for their own amusement.” – Our High
Calling (1961), page 283, paragraph 3.
Ellen G. White: "Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart"--the
human heart, with its conflicting emotions of joy and sorrow; the wandering, wayward heart, which
is the abode of so much impurity and deceit. 1 Samuel 16:7. He knows its motives, its very intents
and purposes. Go to Him with your soul all stained as it is. Like the psalmist, throw its chambers
open to the
all-seeing eye, exclaiming, "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know
my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Psalm
139:23, 24. – Steps to Christ (1892, 1893), page 34/35, paragraph 3.
Ellen G. White: “There was a beautiful pink flower in the garden called the rose of Sharon. I
remember approaching it and touching the delicate petals reverently; they seemed to possess a
sacredness in my eyes. My heart overflowed with tenderness and love for these beautiful creations
of God. I could see divine perfection in the flowers that adorned the earth. God tended them, and
all-seeing eye was upon them. He had made them and called them good.” – Testimonies For
The Church Volume One (1855-1868), page 19, paragraph 2.
Ellen G. White: “I saw that before the work of God can make any decided progress, the ministers
must be converted. When converted they will place less estimate upon wages and far more value
upon the important, sacred, solemn work which they have accepted at the hand of God to perform,
and which He requires them to do faithfully and well, as those who must render to Him a strict
account. A faithful record of all their works is daily made by the recording angels. All their acts,
and even the intents and purposes of the heart, stand faithfully revealed. Nothing is hid from the
eye of Him with whom we have to do. Those who have thrown all their energies into the
cause of God, and who have ventured out and invested something, will feel that the work of God is
a part of them, and will not labor merely for wages. They will not be eyeservants and seek to please
themselves, but will consecrate themselves and all their interests to this solemn work.” –
Testimonies For The Church Volume One (1855-1868), page 468, paragraph 1.
Ellen G. White: “God's
all-seeing eye notes the defects of all and the ruling”. – Testimonies for
the Church Volume Five (1882-1889), page 95, paragraph 3.
Ellen G. White: “When the individual members of the church shall act as true followers of the
meek and lowly Saviour, there will be less covering up and excusing of sin. All will strive to act as if
in God's presence. They will realize that His
all-seeing eye is ever upon them and that the most
secret thought is known to Him. The character, the motives, the desires and purposes, are as clear
as the light of the sun to the eye of the Omnipotent. But few bear this in mind. The larger class by
far do not realize what a fearful account must be rendered at the bar of God by all the
transgressors of His law.” – Testimonies for the Church Volume Five (1882-1889), page 147,
paragraph 2
Ellen G. White: “What a change would be seen if all who are in responsible positions would
realize that they are working under the
eye of an all-seeing God. What is needed now is the free
working of the Holy Spirit on mind and heart. Without this our efforts will be fruitless. When the
Spirit molds and fashions us, our words and acts will reveal heartfelt thanksgiving.” – Testimonies
for the Church Volume Eight (1904), page 168, paragraph 1
Ellen G. White: “God's
All-Seeing Eye. If we were to cherish an habitual impression that God
sees and hears all that we do and say and keeps a faithful record of our words and actions, and that
we must meet it all, we would fear to sin. Let the young ever remember that wherever they are, and
whatever they do, they are in the presence of God. No part of our conduct escapes observation. We
cannot hide our ways from the Most High.” – Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and
Divorce (1989), page 101, paragraph 3
Ellen G. White: “God would lead you through affliction and trials that you might have more
perfect trust and confidence in Him and that you might think less of your own judgment. You can
bear adversity better than prosperity. The
all-seeing eye of Jehovah detected in you much dross
that you considered gold and too valuable to throw away. The enemy's power over you had at times
been direct and very strong...” – This Day With God (1979), page 306, paragraph 4
Ellen G. White: “In the last great day decisions will be made that will be a surprise to many.
Human judgment will have no place in the decisions then made. Christ can and will judge every
case; for all judgment has been committed to him by the Father. He will estimate service by that
which is invisible to men. The most secret things lie open to his
all-seeing eye. When the Judge of
all men shall make his investigation, many of those whom human estimation has placed first will be
placed last, and those who have been put in the lowest place by men will be taken out of the ranks
and made first.” – The Review and Herald, July 31, 1900, paragraph 14
Ellen G. White: “Let us ever bear in mind that our work is to be one of advancement. We are to
follow on to know the Lord. God understands the actuating principle of every mind. He has
witnessed the persistent, rebellious course of some whom he has warned and counseled. His
eye has noted the determined following of human devisings. "The ways of man are before the
eyes of the Lord." He "knoweth the thoughts." "The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding
the evil and the good." "He looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven."
"The Lord searcheth all hearts." – The Review and Herald, January 11, 1912, paragraph 17
Ellen G. White: “We repeat what has been so often said before, that among the people of God
today are dangers similar to those that well-nigh destroyed Israel. The command, "Thou shalt have
no other gods before me," was spoken from Sinai for every soul that should live upon the earth. We
can no more free ourselves from the claims of God's law than we can hide from his
all-seeing eye.
Its precepts reached every case, and its claims rest upon all the children of men to the close of
time.” – The Signs of the Times , August 11, 1881, paragraph 11
Ellen G. White: “Many have their hearts filled with the love of self. They are not aware that the
great heavenly Artist is taking cognizance of every act, every word; that their deportment, and even
the thoughts and intents of the heart, stand faithfully delineated; and that old and young will have
the faithful picture presented to them in all its deformity at the execution of the judgment. Those
vain, frivolous words are all written in the book. Those false words are written. Those deceptive
acts, whose motives were concealed from human eyes, but discerned by the
all-seeing eye of
Jehovah, are all written in living characters. Every selfish act will be exposed.” – The Signs of
the Times , May 1, 1884, paragraph 4
Ellen G. White: “In the last great day decisions will be made that will be a surprise to many.
Human judgment will have no place in the decisions then made. Christ can and will judge every
case; for all judgment has been committed to Him by the Father. He will estimate service by that
which is invisible to men. The most secret things lie open to His all-seeing eye. When the Judge of
all men shall make His investigation, many of those whom human estimation has placed first will be
placed last, and those who have been put in the lowest place by men will be taken out of the ranks
and made first. R. In the last great day decisions will be made that will be a surprise to many.
Human judgment will have no place in the decisions then made. Christ can and will judge every
case; for all judgment has been committed to Him by the Father. He will estimate service by that
which is invisible to men. The most secret things lie open to His
all-seeing eye. When the Judge of
all men shall make His investigation, many of those whom human estimation has placed first will be
placed last, and those who have been put in the lowest place by men will be taken out of the ranks
and made first. R. & H. July 31, 1900. H. July 31, 1900.” – An Appeal for Self-supporting
Laborers to Enter Unworked Fields (1933), page 43, paragraph 2
Ellen G. White: “God's
all-seeing eye notes the defects of all, and the ruling passion of each; yet
he bears with our mistakes, and pities our weakness. He bids his people cherish the same spirit of
tenderness and forbearance. True Christians will not exult in exposing the faults and deficiencies of
others. They will turn away from vileness and deformity, to fix the mind upon that which is
attractive and lovely. To the Christian every act of fault-finding, every word of censure or
condemnation, is painful.” – Testimony for the Battle Creek Church (1882), page 81,
paragraph 2
Ellen G. White: “Ever seek to exert a good influence, that God may approve of your works.
Remember you are forming a character for heaven or for destruction. Oh, that you may form a
good Christian character! You are daily stamping a record of your life by your course of action
here. Let all your acts be such that you would not be ashamed to meet them in the judgment. God's
eye never slumbers or sleeps. This
all-seeing eye is ever upon you.” – Manuscript Releases
Volume Three [Nos. 162-209] (1990), page 52, paragraph 1