A Practical English Grammar 2nd Edition-Combined Exercises-Volume 2


A Practical English Grammar_Combined Exercises-Volume 2-The ten books of exercises which accompany the authors’ A Practical English Grammar have been combined into two volumes.
The first volume contains Books 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 and this second volume contains Books 4, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Book 4 is grouped with Book 7 in Volume II in order to bring together the work on prepositions.
Book 8 takes the work of Book 1 further by including work on the Past Perfect.
The exercises in Book 9 extend the work on future forms begun in Book 2 by putting more emphasis on the contrast between ‘Will’ (used for intention at the moment of decision) and the Present Continuous (used when the intended action is referred to afterwards). There is also more emphasis on the use of the ordinary future tense (Will/Shall) as shown in Section 201 of the Grammar (2nd edition). The exercises on indirect speech go on from the exercises in Book 6 and place greater emphasis on the colloquial reporting of requests and advice.
Students are, for example, encouraged to report such sentences as: ‘Would you open the door, please,’ said Jack by: Jack asked me to open the door and ‘Could I speak to Tom, please,’ said Ann by: Ann asked to speak to Tom or: Ann asked for Tom.
In Book 10 Unreal' Pasts includes constructions with You’d better, I’d rather you..., I wish you..., It’s time you...
Exercises on the Conditional are similar to those in Book 2, but cover a wider field. The infinitive is used either in infinitive/gerund exercises or as the perfect infinitive with auxiliary verbs.
A more detailed treatment of the infinitive is given in Book 2.
Where references are given at the head of each exercise, they refer to chapters and sections in A Practical English Grammar.
Some of the exercises are in the form of a dialogue between two people. Sometimes the speakers are given names, but often a change of speaker is indicated only by a change of line.
The exercises are all intermediate and are not therefore graded by letters.

Ова књига иде уз ове постове: Граматика-A Practical English Grammar 2nd Edition: http://serbianforum.org/threads/a-practical-english-grammar-2nd-edition.739488/#post-2041490
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