Udes aviona na Jamajci

Udes aviona na Jamajci

Oko 40 putnika je povređeno prilikom iskliznuća sa sletne piste "boinga 737" kompanije "Ameriken Erlajns", na aerodromu u Kingstonu na Jamajci.
Najmanje 40 osoba je povređeno kada se avion "Ameriken Erlajnsa" prilikom sletanja na međunarodni aerodrom "Norman Menli" u Kingstonu prepolovio, izjavio je ministar informacija Jamajke Deril Vas.

Ministar je dodao da su svi povređeni prebačeni u bolnice u Kingstonu.
"Boing 737" koji je prevozio 148 putnika i šest članova posade leteo je na liniji Majami-Kingston.
Prema izjavama predstavnika američke avio-kompanije, do nesreće je došlo juče uveče kada se letelica spuštala na pistu aerodroma u Kingstonu gde je u tom trenutku padala obilna kiša.
"Letelica se srušila i prepolovila", izjavila je lokalnoj štampi jedna od putnica Naomi Palmer. U avio-kompaniji za sada odbijaju da govore o mogućim uzrocima udesa, izjavio je portparol kompanije Bili Sanes.

Izvor:РТС :: Насловна
Jetliner misses runway at Jamaican airport

Jetliner misses runway at Jamaican airport

(CNN) -- Ninety-one people were taken to a hospital Tuesday evening after an American Airlines plane overshot a runway near Kingston, Jamaica, during bad weather and crashed into a fence, officials said.
None of the injuries were critical, officials said.
Flight 331 from Miami, Florida, was carrying 148 passengers plus six crew members when it landed in Kingston, according to a statement from the airline.
The incident took place around 10:20 p.m., Omar Lawrence, operations coordinator at Norman Manley International Airport in Kingston.
Tim Smith, an American Airlines spokesman, refuted claims that the Boeing 737 broke into pieces but did say that there was damage to the fuselage, some cracks and the landing gear on one side of the plane collapsed.
"The care of our passengers and crew members is our highest priority and we will offer all the assistance necessary," said Gerard Arpey, the airlines' Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
Jamaican Information Minister Daryl Vaz said most of the 91 injured passengers had been released from hospitals. Four passengers may have to stay overnight at the hospital, Vaz said.
"The majority of injuries are broken bones and of course cuts and bruises and badly shaken up," Vaz said.
The flight originated from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in Washington D.C. area before landing in Miami, Florida, and then heading to Jamaica, the airline said.
A Radio Jamaica reporter, Kirk Abraham, said it had been raining in the area and the plane ran into a fence after overshooting the runway.
CNN's Joyce Joseph and Jackie Damico contributed to this report.

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