LinuxCBT - PackCapAnal Edition Training | 816.15 MB
Packet Capture Analysis Security feat. Ethereal® - Module VI
Introduction - Topology - Features
Discuss course outline
Explore system configuration
Identify key network interfaces to be used for captures
Identify connected interfaces on Cisco Switch
Explore network topology - IPv4 & IPv6
Identify Ethereal installation
Enumerate and discuss key Ethereal features
Ethereal® Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Identify installation footprint
Differentiate between promiscuous and non-promiscuous modes
Configure to permit non-privileged user to write output to screen
Launch Ethereal GUI
Identify the primary GUI components /Packet List | Packet Details | Packet Bytes/
Discuss defaults
Explore key menu items
TCPDump | WinDump - Packet Capturing for /Linux|Unix|Windows/
Discuss defaults, features and applications
Use TCPDump on Linux to capture packets
Log traffic using default PCAP/TCPDump format
Discuss Berkeley Packet Filters (BPFs)
Capture and log specific packets using BPFs for analysis with Ethereal
Connect to Windows 2003 Server using Remote Desktop (RDesktop) utility
Install WinDump and WinPCAP on Windows 2003 Server
Identify available network interfaces using WinDump
Capture and log packets using WinDump
Capture and log specific packets using BPFs with WinDump for analysis with Ethereal
Upload captures to Linux system for analysis in Ethereal
Snort® NIDS Packet Capturing & Logging
Discuss Snort NIDS's features
Confirm prerequisites - /PCRE|LibPCAP|GCC|Make/
Download and Import Snort G/PGP key and MD5SUM for Snort NIDS
Download, verify, compile and install Snort NIDS
Discuss BPF directional, type, and protocol qualifiers
Identify clear-text based network applications and define appropriate BPFs
Execute Snort NIDS in sniffer mode with BPFs enabled to match interesting traffic
Log to the active pseudo-terminal console and examine the packet flows
Combine BPF qualifiers to increase packet-matching capabilities
Use logical operators to define more flexible BPFs
Create captures for further analysis with Ethereal
Sun Snoop Packet Capturing & Logging
Connect to Solaris 10 system and prepare to use Snoop
Draw parallels to TCPDump
Enumerate key features
Sniff and log generic traffic
Sniff and log specific traffic using filters
Sniff using Snoop, HTTP and FTP traffic
Save filters for analysis by Ethereal
Snoop various Solaris interfaces for interesting traffic
Layer-2 & Internet Control Messaging Protocol (ICMP) Captures
Launch Ethereal
Identify sniffing interfaces
Capture Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Packets using Capture Filters
Discuss and Identify Protocol Data Units (PDUs)
Identify default Ethereal capture file
Peruse packet capture statistics
Identify Cisco VOIP router generating ARP requests
Peruse time precision features - deci - nano-seconds
Discuss time manipulations - relative to first packet - actual time
Reveal protocol information from layer-1 through 7
Identify network broadcasts in the packet stream
Generate Layer-2 ARP traffic using PING and capture and analyze results
Sniff traffic based on MAC addresses using Ethereal and Capture FIlters
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Captures & Analyses
Discuss UDP Characteristics
Focus on Network Time Protocol (NTP)
Setup NTP strata for testing between multiple systems
Analyze NTP - UDP traffic using Ethereal
Focus on Domain Name Service (DNS)
Install a BIND DNS Caching-Only Server
Analyze DIG queries
Analyze 'nslookup' queries
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Captures & Analyses
Discuss TCP Characteristics - Connection-Oriented Services
Explain TCP connection rules - Socket creation
Sniff TCP traffic using Capture Filters in Ethereal
Use Display Filters to parse TCP traffic
Sniff FTP traffic
Reconstruct FTP flows using TCP Stream Reassembly
Differentiate between client and server flows
Quantify client and server flows
Discuss embedded Protocol Data Units (PDUs)
Sniff Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) traffic
Peruse and discuss the IPv6:TCP:FTP traffic dump
Analyze TCP Sockets
Ethereal Display Filters - Post Processing Filters
Identify previously captured - TCPDump - Ethereal - Snort - Snoop - Dumps
Discuss features
Explain Display Filter syntax
Post-process previously captured traffic dumps
Identify the various methods to exact display filters
Filter data using the expression builder
Filter traffic based on interesting properties
Filter traffic using logical operators
Ethereal Statistics
Discuss features
Explore the summary (metadata) of captured packets
Peruse the protocol hierarchy - Layer's 1 - 7 of OSI
Examine network conversations of captured packets
Identify Destinations in packet dumps
Examine ICMP statistics
Text-based Captures with Tethereal
Discuss features and applications
Identify 'tethereal' and invoke
Enumerate network interfaces
Sniff generic network traffic
Suppress capture output
Apply Capture Filters
Capture UDP Traffic
Capture TCP Traffic
Intranet-based Captures & Analysis
Discuss Intranet monitoring objectives
Analyze the network topology drawing
Discuss Unicast, Broadcast and Multicast traffic
Discuss Switch Port Mirroring - SPAN
Configure Port Mirroring - SPAN on Cisco Switch for interesting ports
Dedicate a network interface for sniffing traffic
Configure Snort NIDS to sniff traffic on dedicated network interface
Analyze Snort NIDS captures in Ethereal
Sniff traffic between various Intranet hosts
Internet-based Captures & Analysis
Discuss Internet monitoring objectives
Identify key external interfaces to monitor
Update the Port Mirroring configuration to capture Internet traffic
Capture external traffic
Analyze using Ethereal
Wireless-based Captures & Analysis
Discuss Wireless monitoring objectives
Connect to remote system with wireless interface
Enable wireless interface
Sniff traffic on wireless network
Analyze using Ethereal
Windows-based Captures & Analysis on Windows
Download and Install Ethereal for Windows
Explore interface
Load previously captured data
Analyze data
Compare and contrast with Ethereal for Linux|Unix systems
WireShark® on MacOSX®
Download and Install
Explore interface
Load previously captured data
Analyze data
Capture new data
Evaluate results
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