DEFINICIJA - Web Design je...

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Web design is the skill of designing presentations of content (usually hypertext or hypermedia) that is delivered to an end-user through the World Wide Web, by way of a Web browser or other Web-enabled software like Internet television clients, microblogging clients and RSS readers.

The process of designing Web pages, Web sites, Web applications or multimedia for the Web may utilize multiple disciplines, such as animation, authoring, communication design, corporate identity, graphic design, human-computer interaction, information architecture, interaction design, marketing, photography, search engine optimization and typography.

  • Involved technologies may include (see Web development):
  • Markup languages (such as XHTML and XML)
  • Style sheet languages (such as CSS and XSL)
  • Client-side scripting (such as JavaScript and VBScript)
  • Server-side scripting (such as PHP and ASP)
  • Database technologies (such as MySQL)
  • Multimedia technologies (such as Flash and Silverlight)

Web pages and Web sites can be static pages, or can be programmed to be dynamic pages that automatically adapt content or visual appearance depending on a variety of factors, such as input from the end-user, input from the Webmaster or changes in the computing environment (such as the site's associated database having been modified).

With growing specialization within communication design and information technology fields, there is a strong tendency to draw a clear line between web design specifically for web pages and web development for the overall logistics of all web-based services.


A web site is a collection of information about a particular topic or subject. Designing a web site is defined as the arrangement and creation of web pages that in turn make up a web site[citation needed]. A web page consists of information for which the web site is developed. A web site might be compared to a book, where each page of the book is a web page.

There are many aspects (design concerns) in this process, and due to the rapid development of the Internet, new aspects may emerge. For non-commercial web sites, the goals may vary depending on the desired exposure and response. For typical commercial web sites, the basic aspects of design are:
The content: the substance, and information on the site should be relevant to the site and should target the area of the public that the website is concerned with.
The usability: the site should be user-friendly, with the interface and navigation simple and reliable.
The appearance: the graphics and text should include a single style that flows throughout, to show consistency. The style should be professional, appealing and relevant.
The visibility: the site must also be easy to find via most, if not all, major search engines and advertisement media.

A web site typically consists of text and images. The first page of a web site is known as the Home page or Index. Some web sites use what is commonly called a Splash Page. Splash pages might include a welcome message, language or region selection, or disclaimer. Each web page within a web site is an HTML file which has its own URL. After each web page is created, they are typically linked together using a navigation menu composed of hyperlinks. Faster browsing speeds have led to shorter attention spans and more demanding online visitors and this has resulted in less use of Splash Pages, particularly where commercial web sites are concerned[citation needed].

Once a web site is completed, it must be published or uploaded in order to be viewable to the public over the internet. This may be done using an FTP client. Once published, the web master may use a variety of techniques to increase the traffic, or hits, that the web site receives. This may include submitting the web site to a search engine such as Google or Yahoo, exchanging links with other web sites, creating affiliations with similar web sites, etc.

Moderatori/Administratori, molio bih da se ovo stavi kao Sticky!
Poslednja izmena:
Bilo bi bolje, kada bi sve to lepo napisao na Srpskom. Ovako, većina ljudi neće skoro ništa razumeti...
to ti je kada misliš da ništa neznaš i onda trudom naučiš pa i drugi mogu da vide ;-)
Da li ja to grešim,ili je stvarno napisano , da je poželjan uvid na srpskom.....ej bre - zar ću da budem pametniji / izmisliću toplu vodu / ako sa copy-paste ubacim neki ''arapski'' ili ''kineski'' text....
Ne bih se slozila da pod definicijom web dizajna treba bit i kodiranje.
Oko toga se cesto vode rasprave, ali je tacno da je web dizajn cisto dizajniranje, a kodiranje je nesto drugo.
Ipak, mi na fakultetima web dizajna ucimo sve to + i nevezano za to, i smatra se da je posao svakog web dizajnera i kodiranje.
Ali ako govorimo samo o definiciji, to je druga stvar.

There are many aspects (design concerns) in this process, and due to the rapid development of the Internet, new aspects may emerge. For non-commercial web sites, the goals may vary depending on the desired exposure and response. For typical commercial web sites, the basic aspects of design are:
The content: the substance, and information on the site should be relevant to the site and should target the area of the public that the website is concerned with.
The usability: the site should be user-friendly, with the interface and navigation simple and reliable.
The appearance: the graphics and text should include a single style that flows throughout, to show consistency. The style should be professional, appealing and relevant.
The visibility: the site must also be easy to find via most, if not all, major search engines and advertisement media.
>> Ovaj deo mi se jako dopada, to je ono sto bi svaki web dizajner uvek trebao imat na umu. Lep izbor podataka. :)

Web dizajn je papazjanija.
Pravi "Bosanski Lonac".

Po meni, danas, svaki web dizajner pored xhtml-a (xml+html/css+js) mora da ima i neku osnovu iz .php/sql.
Ako neko želi da se bavi web dizajnom i da uspešno gradi svoju karijeru na tom polju,... dakle, veoma teško može zaraditi ozbiljan novac kroz neki projekat, ako mu škripi negde od nabrojanih tehnologija..

Pričamo dakle o nekoliko jezika...

php ili

Sve ovo gore nabrojano, po meni, može da ima prođu i ako znate makar 60% iz svakog,
zbog jelte Google prijatelja koji može otkriti tajne onoga što vam predstavlja problem. I to u veoma kratkom vremenskom intervalu.

Dakle, ako neko hoće da bude standalone freelancer ili "maistor za internek", pored nabrojanih tehnologija gore, snalaženje u nekom programu za obradu slika tipa PS, GIMP ili paint.NET bi također trebao biti preduslov. A ti se programi uglavnom uče kroz igru, jelte...

Dakle, stvar je otprilike ovakva... ko zna lepo da skroji html, njemu su automatski i xml(xhtml core factory) i css jasni... nekako, ne ide jedno bez drugog... A ko je zašao malo u vode javaskripte i krenuo sam da je piše, taj neće imati problem ni da krene sa učenjem php-a .. uz koji sql tehonologija ide kao što oči na glavu idu. ... ili bilo kog drugog "skripting" jezika, bio on server side ili client side...

Sve u svemu, poznavanje engleskog jezika je presudno za izuzetno lak i korektan razvoj webdizajn individue.... ko ne kuburi engleski kako treba,... rekao bih da je čvrsto osakaćen u samom startu i da bi mu možda bilo pametnije na nešto drugo da se fokusira, osim ako nema želju i tu da se usavršava u isto vreme.

No, videćemo šta će sve promeniti html5 kada svi pretraživači budu postali 100% html5 kompatibilni. Šta će se sve utisnuti novo u sami core itd..

A do tada, XHTML 1.0 transitional, nekako najlogičnije.