CBT Nuggets Cisco CCNA Wireless IUWNE 640 722 Tutorial


CBT Nuggets Cisco CCNA Wireless IUWNE 640 722 Tutorial - kEISO
FORMAT: ISO | RELEASE DATE: 2013/09/02 | RUNTIME: 08H 52M | 1.87GB
Genre : eLearning

This series will assist you in obtaining the knowledge and skills to configure implement, monitor, troubleshoot, and support Cisco WLANs. The skills learned also can be applied to other vendors' WLANs as well, because there are basic concepts, techniques and standards involved regardless of vendor
Welcome to Wireless
This Nugget provides an overview of the journey that you and Keith will be taking together, including some prerequisites you should have to get the most from this series.

Terms and Topology
Knowing the vocabulary terms and acronyms surrounding Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANS) is critical. In this Nugget, Keith introduces you to topologies common to WLANs, as well as several new terms that will assist you in learning to how to implement, manage, and troubleshoot a wireless network.

Standards and Regulations
If every vendor had to design and develop their own protocols, there could be challenges communicating between different vendors' devices. This would likely result in single vendor solutions (common in the 70s and early 80s). Fortunately, we have standards groups and regulatory agencies. In this Nugget, Keith discusses these groups, what they do, and why they are important.

RF 101
The wireless technologies that make up layers 1 and 2 of our protocol stack are critical components. In this Nugget, Keith walks you through characteristics of Radio Frequencies (RF), along with what may cause interference of them working properly. Frequency, wavelength and amplitude also are discussed in this video.

Power Math
Being aware of concepts such as dBm and mW are important. Being able to solve one of them, after being given only the other one, is not a common skill. That said, it could be a valuable skill to have. In this Nugget, Keith introduces decibels and watts, and shows you how an average person can perform conversion calculations without the use of a calculator. The spreadsheet used in this video is available in the NuggetLab area for this series.

Antennas greatly impact the power and direction of our RF signals. In this Nugget, Keith describes the "H" and "E" planes, how to calculate Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP), and various antenna types. Also, dBd vs dBi (along with how to convert between the two) is addressed in this video.

802.11 and Friends
The original IEEE standards have come a long way during the past decade. In this Nugget, Keith compares and contrasts the standards used by 802.11b, a, g and n. He'll also take a look at the features that make 802.11n so desirable, as well as demystify concepts such as MIMO, MRC, Spatial Multiplexing, and more.

Frame Types and Etiquette
In this Nugget, Keith walks you through the process a computer goes through to identify an AP, and how to properly take its turn in sending data over the WLAN. Management, Control and Data 802.11 frames are discussed and viewed in a protocol analyzer. The capture file used in this video is available from the NuggetLab area.

A Tale of 10 Frames
WLANs have a few surprises in store, when looking at the actual frames in a Protocol Analyzer such as Wireshark. Being able to describe and understand the 802.11 behavior in an autonomous AP environment that's a stand alone AP without a Wireless Lan Controller (WLC), is an important first step that is needed before we advance to a WLC controlled WLAN. The packet capture file, along with the Wireshark profile preferences file used in this video, are available in the NuggetLab area.

Other Wireless Technologies
802.11 isn't the only suite of protocols that may use the WiFi unlicensed RF bands. In this Nugget, we look at other technologies and areas that could cause interference with the 2.4 or 5 GHz ranges that we use in our WLANs.

AP & WLC (Dynamic Duo)
Using an AP In infrastructure mode provides the structure and distribution system (DS) that's used in most 802.11 networks today. Managing multiple autonomous (standalone) APs can be time consuming, so a Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) can be used as a central management device, that pushes out configurations to the APs and monitors their status, to make things easier. In this Nugget, Keith show you the protocols used to communicate between the AP and WLC, along with some additional management software that may be used to manage very large WLAN implementations.

VLANs and SSIDs (preparing the switch)
We can link WLANs to specific VLANs, but need to make sure the switch configuration is setup to support it. In this Nugget, Keith walks you through the reasons for specific switch configuration to support APs and WLCs, as well as demonstrating the configuration. The commands used in this video are available in the NuggetLab area.

Deploy the WLC
Wireless LAN Controllers (WLCs) come in all shapes and sizes, but their purpose is the same: provide centralized management and control of the Access Points (APs). In this Nugget, Keith walks you through the implementation of a WLC, along with some preparations done on the ESX server to support a virtual WLC. The Nugget on VLANs and SSIDs is a recommended prerequisite for this video. Supporting files for this video are available in the NuggetLab area

Ahhh, the first WLAN
Using a few additional steps, we can make an active working WLAN with the controller as the brains, and the AP as the radio operator. In this Nugget, Keith walks you through the implementation of a WLAN and verifying it - using a smartphone as a client to test the connection.

WLC Discovery
Access Points can "automagically" discover the available Wirless LAN Controllers (WLCs) due to the process they follow. This often allows for a Zero Touch deployment of the APs after they are installed. Understanding the process they go through is important for troubleshooting, as well as for setting up fault tolerance. In this Nugget, Keith talks about the process of Discovery the AP does when looking for a controller. The packet capture files used in this video are available in the NuggetLab area.

AP la Mode
The access point can do much more than just provide data services for customers. In this Nugget, Keith discusses modes (above and beyond the default of "local" mode), and demonstrates how to turn an access point into a real-time 802.11 sniffer. FlexConnect, monitor and other modes are also introduced in this Nugget.

Customers often want two basic things: the network to work, and for it to be fairly fast. Roaming between APs with an active data stream can be done by adding WLCs to common mobility groups and instructing each of controllers to "play nice" and share information with each other regarding roaming stations. In this Nugget, Keith discusses and demonstrates roaming, including using a custom Faraday cage to simulate a fading AP signal to trigger a live demonstration of roaming in action.

Converting APs
Many of the access points can run as an Autonomous AP, or as a Lightweight AP. Getting the correct code on the AP can potentially take hours if the process wasn't properly explained. In this Nugget, Keith walks you through setting up the infrastructure to easily move an AP between either of these roles (LW or Autonomous), without requiring a WLC to do the conversion.

Security 101.5
Security for WLANs isn't just a nice idea, it's critical. In this Nugget, Keith chats with you about multi-factor authentication, encryption, and more. You also will see how to implement basic security parameters to the WLAN through the controller GUI interface. Supporting capture files used in this video are available in the NuggetLab area.

802.1x & EAP
In this Nugget, Keith explains the concepts, terms, and roles of 802.1x along with specific Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) implementations including LEAP, PEAP, and EAP-FAST. In this video, you will learn how to implement "LOCAL" authentication at the WLC, as well as create local EAP profiles and local network user accounts. The iPhone configuration utility also is demonstrated to create a EAP-FAST profile for use with an Apple wireless device.

Encryption Keys and AAA Servers
Using an external AAA server, such as Cisco Access Control Server (ACS) or Identities Services Engine (ISE), can allow us to centralize user management and control. In this Nugget, Keith discusses WPA, WPA2 and 802.11i. Using ISE as the AAA sever also will be demonstrated in this video, using Protected EAP (PEAP).

Web Authentication
In a world of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) not everyone is going to have an 802.1x supplicant ready to go. One method that can be used to validate users (without 802.1x) is to intercept their HTTP traffic, and redirect them to a web page for authentication. In this Nugget, Keith walks you through how to set this up, including how to point the WLC to use a RADIUS or LDAP server.

How do you manage dozens or hundreds of Controllers? One solution that Cisco presents is called Wireless Control System (WCS). In this Nugget, Keith provides an overview of WCS, along with how it could be used for centralized management of all things wireless. Cisco Prime Infrastructure (the likely replacement for WCS) is growing in popularity, but those who are interested in certification, should still be familiar with WCS.

Troubleshooting WLANs
What could possibly go wrong? Wireless has lots of different areas that need be configured correctly for a functional WLAN. In this Nugget, Keith walks you through some troubleshooting methods using both the CLI and the GUI.

Rogue APs
The chance of an "unauthorized" AP popping up is very high, due to most smartphones having the ability to become an instant hot spot. In this Nugget, Keith walks you through how the Cisco WLAN can automatically detect Rogues. What is even more cool, is that it enables you to do a Denial of Service (DoS) attack from your WLAN infrastructure against the rogue AP using De-authentication frames (this is demonstrated in the video). Clean Air and wIPS (WLAN Intrustion Prevention System) also are introduced in this video.

If we build it, can they connect? That is the question in this Nugget, and the answer is a resounding "yes"! This video takes a look at the two major platforms connecting to corporate WLANs today: Windows and Mac OSX. Demonstrations include using the built in tools in both of these platforms for the configuration of profiles when required. This video also provides an introduction to Cisco's AnyConnect. For client configuration on an iPhone (using the iPhone configuration tool), please see the video in this series named: "802.1x & EAP"

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