"(A Child's View Of) The Eisenhower Years"

"(A Child's View Of) The Eisenhower Years"

You're on your way back home in a brand new station wagon
A pile of rolling chrome, ten miles to the gallon
Your mother puts her makeup on, you watch her crunch the gears
It's a child's view of the Eisenhower years

Your father knows what's best, no one to upstage him
He thinks he's so well dressed, finds new things to outrage him
Elvis on the television, G.I.'s in Korea
It's a child's view of the Eisenhower years

I don't mind the innocence so much in fact it's charming
The comedians have got a certain touch that's so disarming
Even though the aliens from space haunt the weekend matinees
Super heroes keep the citizenry safe

There's a beep in the sky in 1957
A metal ball that flies through Soviet heaven
Papers shout the headlines, politicians fan the fears
It's a child's view of the Eisenhower years

I don't mind the innocence so much in fact it's charming
And the girls in their hoop skirts have got a style that's so disarming
Even thought the neighborhood is new
Everybody looks like you at the soda fountain or the schoolyard too

See the baseball fly out across the diamond
Jimmy Jones and I we've both got good timing
To be born into a greased back world, all hips and teenage sneers
It's a child's view of the Eisenhower years


One, two, three
That's how elementary it's gonna be, just fine and dandy
It's easy like taking candy from a baby.

Primitive country
Rich in minerals, you pay them with beads, tip the generals
It's easy, like taking candy from a baby.

The hard part is learning about it
The hard part is breaking through to the truth
The hard part is learning to doubt what you read, what you hear, what you see on the news.

Foreign policy
Made above my head, well, no one asked me, they just laughed and said
It's easy (it's so easy) like taking candy from a baby
It's easy (it's so easy) like taking candy from a baby.

(One, two three, aaah)
(One, two three, aaah)

Once they get you sucked into the system
Once they get you under control
The hard part is knowing how to resist
The grip that they keep on your mind and your soul.

So in the end
We just compromise and pretend if you close your eyes
It's easy (it's so easy) like taking candy from a baby
It's easy (it's so easy) like taking candy from a baby.
"A League Of Notions"

"A League Of Notions"

I'm here sitting in the wreck of Europe
With a map of Europe
Spread out in a hall of Versailles
And every single nationality and principality
have come for a piece of the pie

I'm sitting in the wreck of Europe
With a map of Europe
And the lines and the borders are gone
We've got to do this jigsaw puzzle
It's an awful muddle
But somehow we've got to go on

Lawrence of Arabia is waiting in the wings
He's got some Arab sheikhs and kings
And we're in debt to them somehow
Lawrence of Arabia has got this perfect vision
Gonna sell him down the river
There's no time for him now

I think I'm gonna take a piece of Russia
And a Piece of Germany
And give them to Poland again
I'll put together Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia
And hope that is how they'll remain

Then I'll take a bit of Turkey
Then a lot of Turkey
This is all quite a heady affair
There's Persia and Iraq to pick up
And there's Churchill's hiccup
And we can't leave it up in the air

Woodrow Wilson waves his fourteen points around
And says "The time to act is now
Won't get this opportunity again"
Woodrow Wilson has his fourteen points
But Clemenceau turns to Lloyd George
And says "You know that
God himself had only ten"

Today I'm carried by a league of notions
(It's a league of notions)
By a league of notions
I don't think I quite understand
(I don't think I understand)
I only know from this commotion
(From this commotion)
There's a chance that we could turn
The world in the palm of our hands
(We can turn the world in the palm of our hands)

Voices in the corridors of power
Candles burning hour by hour
Still you know that to the victors go the spoils
Such a great responsibility to make it fair
And there must be some reparations now
And don't forget the oil

Today I'm carried by a league of notions
(It's a league of notions)
By a league of notions
I don't think I quite understand
(I don't think I understand)
I only know from this commotion
(From this commotion)
There's a chance that we could turn
The world in the palm of our hands
(We can turn the world in the palm of our hands)

Pax vobiscum
Wo-Oh, Pax vobiscum
"A Long Way Down From Stephanie"

"A Long Way Down From Stephanie"

Maid, truly I see
Now it must be a long way down
And with love's burnt shore
Must all dalliance hither
Crumble and wither

Oh strange,
Methought it strange
Thou couldst deprive me of my crown
Thou cast upon me as linden bears fruit of bitter strain

And I would go forsooth to the dragon's tooth
If thus a chance were gained
To resurrect that part of your wanton heart
To whose grave my own is chained

And hold, ere thou dost go
Were not thy moments gilded too?
And in honesty didst thou not measure for measure
Countenance pleasure?

Cold wert thou so cold
Lest thy mind be frozen too
And will not spring be reborn
But might the sun for the frost here
That all be not lost herein

And I would rather, zounds
It were hell's own hounds
Whose foul breath upon my face
Did portent my doom
Than to bear the gloom
Of a world stripped of thy grace

And so in truth I know
Yes it will be a long way down
And if go thou must
Ere we should meet accidental
Prithee be gentle
And though distant now
Perchance the hand of time may soothe
And though lost at six
If I should live to be seven I might forget Stephanie
"A Man For All Seasons"

"A Man For All Seasons"

What if you reached the age of reason
Only to find there was no reprieve
Would you still be a man for all seasons?
Or would you just have to leave
We measure our days out
In steps of uncertainty
Not turning to see how we've come
And peer down the highway
From here to eternity

And reach out for love on the run
While the man for all seasons
Is lost behind the sun

Henry Plantagenent still looks for someone
To bring good news in his hour of doubt
While Thomas More waits in the Tower of London
Watching the sands running out
And measures the hours out
From here to oblivion
In actions that can't be undone
A sailor through the darkness
He scans the meridian
And caught by the first rays of dawn
The man for all seasons
Is lost beneath the storm

And I should know by now
I should know by now
I hear them call it out all around
Oh, they go
There's nothing to believe in

Hear them
Just daydreams, deceiving
They'll just let you down

So what if you reached the age of reason
Only to find there was no reprieve
Would you still be a man for all seasons?
Or would you just disbelieve?

We measure our gains out in luck and coincidence
Lanterns to turn back in the night
And put our defeats down to chance or experience
And try once again for the light
Some wait for the waters of fortune to cover them
Some just see the tides of ill chance rushing over them
Some call on Jehovah
Some cry out to Allah
Some wait for the boats that still row to Valhallah
Well, you try to accept what the fades are unfolding
While some say they're sure where the shame should be falling
You look round for maybe a chance of forestalling
But too soon it's over and done
And the man for all seasons
Is lost behind the sun
"A Small Fruit Song"

"A Small Fruit Song"

Said the apple to the orange:
"Oh I wanted you to come
Close to me and kiss me to the core
Then you might know me like no other orange
Has ever done before"
"Accident On 3rd Street"

"Accident On 3rd Street"

Linda was killed last Saturday about fifteen blocks from where she lives
In a car crash, people gathered ‘round the graveside friends and relatives dressed in black
Preacher mumblin' how she's bound to go to Heaven
The service started at half-past ten, it was all over by eleven.

They say it's God's to give, and God's to take away
But why He happened to pick Linda on a Saturday night, no one could say
Maybe it's just one of those things, one of those things.

They found guy the who did it, he had the lobotomy and the chicken eyes
And he gazed around the courtroom with a kind of vague surprise
Reminded me of one of those Vikings with the long-handled swords
The kind of guy even Joan Baez would not feel non-violent towards.

Said he wasn't looking, maybe he had had a bit too much
It was dark, it was raining, he didn't see the light or some such
It was just one of those things, one of those things.

I asked my local guru the situation and he gave me this reply
While pointing a bony finger up into the general direction of the sky
’Get on with your own life, it is not ours to reason why’
Said he used to worry about it once when he was young, now he doesn't even bother to try.

He left me with a feeling that what he said was basically sound
Like a black hole in space or philosophy, useless but profound
Just one of those things, one of those things.

Tonight I'm gonna take myself down to my local cafe
Gonna get smashed out of my mind, gonna waste myself away
Gonna drink and drink and sink into that dark abyss
I wanna be just like that Viking, I wanna know if ignorance is truly bliss.

Linda's in the cold ground, won't see her anymore
Somewhere out on the highway tonight, the drunken engines roar
It's just one of those things, one of those things.

Oh, just one of those things.
"Age Of Rhythm"

"Age Of Rhythm"

Today I feel like Dorothy Parker
Today I've got the critical eye
I paint my world just a little bit darker
Don't even have to try

Everyone seems a little bit desperate
Oh so witty, but over the edge
I don't know why they try to impress you
With one foot on the window ledge

That's just the way they play it
That's just the way they are
Think up a line and say it
I'll see you all later down at the bar

Don't try to understand it
It won't get you very far
Even the Great Pretender
is really as naked a Hedy Lamarr

Today I feel like Dorothy Parker
Today I'm up here walking the floor
The light inside my head getting darker
Going to leave this town for sure

One block down and another block over
There's a place that will make you a drink
The night is hot, I believe that I'll go there
A password will get you in

Play a song by Hoagy Carmichael
Play that horn like Beiderbecke too
A glass or two of something you like'll
Separate you from these blues

Life is a constant party
Swung to a shot of jazz
Even the broken-hearted
Can steal a feel of the razamatazz

This is the age of rhythm
These are the dancing years
Jump through the mirror with them
New York has no time for your tears

Today I feel like Dorothy Parker
Today I've got the critical eye
I paint my world just a little bit darker
Don't even have to try
"Almost Lucy"

"Almost Lucy"

Lucy worked a different club every day,
And though she put her mind to it,
Her heart was never in it,
She stayed around just long enough to get paid,
She won't pass the time with you, she can't stay a minute,
And all these changing faces never bothered her at all,
They just existed like a back-drop or a pattern on the wall,
Lucy looks like someone who is waiting for a call,
She knows he'll come, but no-one else can hear at all,

Lucy finds the dressing room and the bar,
Hangs her clothes up, hopes tonight,
The contract won't be broken,
Well, they kick you round so much when you're not a star,
Make you play all night just for a pittance or a token,
But all these imperfections never bothered her at all,
She says it sharpens your perception when your back's against the wall,
There's something that enables her to rise above it all,
To shrug it off, just when it seems to go too far,

Hey, hey, hey, I think you almost, feel the pain comin' on inside,
Hey, hey, hey, I think you almost, feel it now and you don't know why,
You don't know why.

The last time that I saw her she had given up the chase,
Moved away to California, got a suntan on her face,
She said that life was just another time another space,
It's over now, she learned a lot, it's not a waste,

Hey, hey, hey, I think you almost, feel the pain comin' on inside
Hey, hey, hey, I think you almost, feel it now and you don't know why,

Hey, hey, hey, I think you almost, feel yourself reaching out inside,
Hey, hey, hey, I think you almost, feel it now and you don't know why.