Rezultati pretrage

  1. K

    SF Vip plejer

    Prije svega, želio bih zahvaliti Saleziju, programeru ovog prekrasnog programa. Koristim verziju SFVIPPlayer x64 u Win 11 okruženju. Naišao sam na mali problem. Prilikom gledanja određenih kanala na nekim računima, video slika se nakon prvih nekoliko sekundi mijenja u ekran teleteksta...
  2. K

    SF Vip plejer

    I am a long time user of SFVipPlayer. I've also used Version 21 and 22, I'm currently using 23 (64bit). I use it quite heavily. I haven't encountered the problem you mentioned yet. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Salezli again.
  3. K

    SF Vip plejer

    I applied the config file at the relevant address (, including filters and shaders. Again, I did not encounter any problems during both playback and recording, even on 4k channels. P.S. By the way, thank you for the address.
  4. K

    SF Vip plejer

    I am using version in Win11 environment. There is only mpv-2.dll (dated 25.12.2022 and version 0.35.0-62...) in the lib folder. The hwdec option is active in the mpv.conf file. Both playback and recording are smooth. (The relevant record in my mpv.conf file is as follows: vo=gpu...
  5. K

    SF Vip plejer

    па где је верзија
  6. K

    SF Vip plejer

    Salezli, first, thanks for great works. Keyboard controls have changed. While Left and Right go to the previous and next in the playlist in the previous versions, in the new version they frame back and forth during the video playback. The old versions' going back and forth in the playlist was...
  7. K

    SF Vip plejer

    As always, I would like to thank all the contributors for this beautiful program. I would have two small requests. @ salezli 1. Is it possible to use Hjson or YAML instead of Json? In this way, we can freely write comments in the accounts configuration file (Accounts.Json). 2. Is it possible for...
  8. K

    SF Vip plejer

    First of all, I would like to thank all contributors for this beautiful program. I have a small question. How do we change the config location? While doing it from the settings menu, when I select the new folder, the program waits for a short time and then closes automatically. When I open it...
  9. K

    SF Vip plejer

    A suggestion. Can we select the config file while SFVipPlayer is opening? So, can we use the Abc.Json file instead of Accounts.Json.
  10. K

    SF Vip plejer

    @salezli Čestitam vam na dobrom radu. Hvala vam. Imam pitanje. Biće mi drago ako odgovorite. Da li SFVipPlaier sam prosleđuje neke bafere ili postavke keš memorije MPV-u? U suprotnom, da li su validna samo podešavanja izvršena u okviru MPV?
  11. K

    SF Vip plejer

    @ Soulman, Tačno sam ponovio ono što je on uradio u videu. Promijenio sam sliku posljednjeg računa, on se nastavio glatko. Izbrisao sam sliku posljednjeg računa, opet se nastavilo glatko. To bi moglo biti povezano sa slikom ili putem slike koju odaberete. Kao što ste pokazali u videozapisu...
  12. K

    SF Vip plejer

    Prije svega, želio bih se zahvaliti Salezliju na ovom prekrasnom programu. Koje su najbolje postavke međuspremnika / predmemorije u mpv.conf za gledanje UHD emisija bez zamrzavanja u SFVipPlayeru? Šta preporučujete?
  13. K

    SF Vip plejer

    When I performed the manual update from the age of 26, it just updated the "sfvip player.exe" file. So 27 failed. When I downloaded it from the link on the first page, the "libmpv.dll" and "Updater.exe" files were updated, as was the sfvip player.exe file. So 27 worked. All three files are...
  14. K

    SF Vip plejer

    1. 2. 1. 26 (x64)
  15. K

    SF Vip plejer

    Koristite li Windows na Turskom? Mislim da postoje promjene koda povezane s jezikom u verzijama 19 i 20. Drugi korisnici nemaju problema. --- Are you using Windows in Turkish? I think there are language-related code changes in v.19 and 20. Other users are not having a problem.
  16. K

    SF Vip plejer

    Sve funkcionira normalno do verzije Ver .19 i .20 ne počinju kad ga pokrenem. U upravitelju zadataka sfvip player.exe pokazao se kao pokrenut nekoliko sekundi, a zatim je otišao. Nije se promijenilo kad sam potpuno zatvorio antivirusni program. Koristim Windows 10 (64bit). Postoji li...
  17. K

    SF Vip plejer

    Postoji li neki zapisnik ili nešto što gledam?
  18. K

    SF Vip plejer

    natrag na verziju, jer verzija uopće ne radi.
  19. K

    SF Vip plejer

    Da li možemo dodati više mac adresa (serijskih) na jedan račun u SFVip Plejer?
  20. K

    SF Vip plejer

    Kako možemo koristiti MAC seriju?