Rezultati pretrage

  1. E

    U/P Skeneri i kako skenirati

    Thank you friends for your help. I thought that in the player itself there is a function to show the stream link or the function of saving the playlist as a file. I use Fiddler 5. It would be cool if such functions were in this wonderful player. He's really cool.
  2. E

    U/P Skeneri i kako skenirati

    About the SFVIP player from the post above. For example, I found a link and a poppy. Uploaded to this player. How to see a direct link to a stream? I have not found a function in this player anywhere. I understand that the topic is about scanners and scanning methods. I apologize if I violated...
  3. E

    U/P Skeneri i kako skenirati

    Žao mi je. Molim te, reci mi. Kako mogu vidjeti izravnu vezu na izvor emitiranja na ovom uređaju? Ili kako s nje preuzeti cijeli popis za reprodukciju? Hvala vam puno ranije.
  4. E

    U/P Skeneri i kako skenirati

    Puno hvala prijatelju.
  5. E

    U/P Skeneri i kako skenirati

    Zdravo. Molim vas pomozite. Gdje mogu preuzeti ovaj generator? Molimo dajte vezu.