Rezultati pretrage

  1. W

    iGO Primo, NextGen - dodaci, skin, branding, lang, voice, ux, poi, speedcam...

    PS. colleagues: According to information Andreas - greek quote: Ειναι το τελευταίο σκιν με την λογική ότι δεν θα υπάρξει κάτι που θα με αναγκάσει να το αναβαθμίσω με την λογική 9α 9β και ούτω καθ 'εξής ... transl. "It is the last Skinias the sense That there will be something That will force me...
  2. W

    ANDROID New: Skin_V8.7_Default & Silver & Pearl & Crystal_2.4

    Welcome Navigators: Halloween gift from our friend Andreas (Doupas) New skin Doupas ver. 8.7 What's New images what news 1)Show speedcam name: With this feature, we can see, the speedcam name, on the top of the screen.. 2) Speedcam warning termination: New TTS settings...
  3. W

    iGO Primo, NextGen - dodaci, skin, branding, lang, voice, ux, poi, speedcam...

    Welcome Navigators, I am pleased to present to you the new version of the skin - from Doupas; Skin_Doupas_V8.6_Default & Silver & Pearl & Crystal 2.4. What's new prepared Andreas together with Frontzos: 1) The Ux Ux total cost of tolls in Greece to Frontzos added in skin. 1) Five options for...
  4. W

    iGO Primo, NextGen - dodaci, skin, branding, lang, voice, ux, poi, speedcam...

    Велцоме - Андреас (Доупас) на одмору не почива ... Драго ми је да покаже свој нови посао: Скин_Доупас_В8.5_Дефаулт & Голд & Пеарл & Кристал 2.4. Садржај: 1) Многе грешке исправљене. 2) ГЈА алати додат у кожи 3) додаје УКС фајлови "Укупни трошкови путарине у Грчкој да фронтзос". Линк: Лепо...
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    iGO Primo NextGen Mape

    Welcome Navigators, The salutation: Maybe someone will be needed - update 2015-05-28 Basemap_R3_NNG_2012.03_150528 Link: regards wojpen
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    iGO Primo, NextGen - dodaci, skin, branding, lang, voice, ux, poi, speedcam...

    Добродошли - Добар дан. Андреас Нисам могла да спавам - па припремила нову сензационалну кожу .: цлассиц: Doupas_V8.4_Crystal-Pearl-Silver-Default_2.4 by JJavram Доупас_В8.4_Цристал-Пеарл Силвер-Дефаулт_2.4 да ЈЈаврам Шта је ново: 1) Ништа ново. Осим новог коже, Цристал коже, који је створио од...
  7. W

    iGO Primo, NextGen - dodaci, skin, branding, lang, voice, ux, poi, speedcam...

    Welcome Friends - Navigators, Our colleague Andreas (Doupas) again surprises ... Another - already 8.0 version of its wonderful Skin_V8.0_Default & Silver & Perl_2.4 As the author himself says - should be called NewGen ... Short description of the possibilities: 1) The city name and zip code...
  8. W

    iGO Primo, NextGen - dodaci, skin, branding, lang, voice, ux, poi, speedcam...

    Welcome Navigators, Spring, early vegetables, a new life - for us also Navigators news - Doupas_Skin_V7.2_Default & Silver_2.1 & 2.4 Hidden content Andreas - THX::):):) Regards wojpen
  9. W

    iGO Primo, NextGen - dodaci, skin, branding, lang, voice, ux, poi, speedcam...

    Hello Navigator's, Doupas works again ... Another - New version Skin Doupas Doupasv7.1_skin_Default & Silver_2.1 & 2.4 What News? 1) Sending EMAIL and STM Entered the start and settings. 2) In The entry have now always in the notice if the have the route. 3) Additional settings have the option...
  10. W

    iGO Primo Navigacija

    Please - sys.txt for this apk sys.txt regards
  11. W

    iGO Primo, NextGen - dodaci, skin, branding, lang, voice, ux, poi, speedcam...

    nenadsen - Colleague. I'm sorry - but this is not the case Skin! In my warnings are functioning properly. Check the settings in the program, and the entries in the [warning] and [SpeedCam ...] The following example - my working ok !!! (google translate: nenadsen - Kolega . Žao mi je - ali to...
  12. W

    iGO Primo, NextGen - dodaci, skin, branding, lang, voice, ux, poi, speedcam...

    Dobrodošli navigatori Naš prijatelj - Author -DOUPAS VONDERFUL kože - pripremio svoju verziju alatke Dinamic Volume . Izuzetno sam prijatno bio prisutan ; DOUPAS THKS . " Dinamički Zapremina modifikovana doupas " (Dynamic Volume modified by doupas) Prvi alata je za Doupas Skin , Second Tools...
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    iGO Primo, NextGen - dodaci, skin, branding, lang, voice, ux, poi, speedcam...

    Priviet Vlad, This Skin is only 800*480?
  14. W

    iGO Primo, NextGen - dodaci, skin, branding, lang, voice, ux, poi, speedcam...

    Ovaj dodatak omogućava podešavanje jačine zvuka na navigaciju komande na brzinu vozila - pre glasnije regards wojpen
  15. W

    iGO Primo, NextGen - dodaci, skin, branding, lang, voice, ux, poi, speedcam...

    Ako nemate folder u korenu fasciklu UKS iGO - da ide stvori ( napravite novi folder / preimenovati UKS ) i kopirajte datoteku Dinamicvolume - bez raspakivanja ) Zatim obrisati folder " SAVE " i pokrenite program . Radovi na sve osim Dimka Skin
  16. W

    iGO Primo, NextGen - dodaci, skin, branding, lang, voice, ux, poi, speedcam...

    Thx. Link renoved and add. mirror link in 2 server Regards wojpen
  17. W

    iGO Primo, NextGen - dodaci, skin, branding, lang, voice, ux, poi, speedcam...

    Hello Prijatelji , Drug Korabi pripremila alat koji smo dugo čekali . Alat je poznat VinCE program pod kontrolom , ali nije dostupan za Android još . Sada - zahvaljujući radu Kovčeg je već !!! Korabi veliko hvala za vaš rad ! DinamicVolume za ANDROID Into the iGO papka Potfascikla UKS...
  18. W

    iGO Primo Navigacija

    Welcome, There is today a modification application that Usov noticed errors and improves functionality Acc. Author (google translate) Now you can save the address in the phone address book of the program on the Nuances of the - if not tyrknete the house and in the field - in the editor will...
  19. W

    iGO Primo Navigacija

    Hello Prijatelji , Svi oni koji danas počinju Božić - Nudim moje najtoplije želje za dobro zdravlje i prosperitet za vas i vaše voljene . Pozdrav iz Poljske - vojpen
  20. W

    iGO Primo, NextGen - dodaci, skin, branding, lang, voice, ux, poi, speedcam...

    New Hot!!!: skin Doupas_V6.9_Default & Silver_2.1&2.4 Welcome Navigators, Our friend Doupas We decided to make a gift for the New Year! Prepared a new version of the skin Doupas_V6.9_Default & Silver_2.1&2.4 WHAT NEWS Versions 2.1 - 2.4 1) Added the remaining distance to very big turn. 2)...