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  1. Hades

    Prevod textova

    Moze li neko da mi prevede ? Faithless - Insomnia Deep in the bosom of the gentle night Is when I search for the light Pick up my pen and start to write I struggle, fight dark forces In the clear moon light Without fear... insomnia I can't get no sleep I used to worry, thought I was goin' mad...
  2. Hades

    Pc Klinika ~ Doktori za vas kompjuter

    treba mi driver, do sad sam imao realtek HD driver i sad ne radi, skinuo sam najnoviji sa realtekOVOG sajta i izbacuje mi ovu gresku HELP, ocu zvukkkkKK EDIT: sredjeno ;)
  3. Hades


    welcome bro ! :drinks::drinks::drinks::drinks:
  4. Hades


    daljinsKI PS. trebali ste da stavite neka pravila, kao npr. nema lichnih imena, ponavljanja reci, inostranih reci..wacko2