Koristite zastareli pregledač. Možda neće pravilno prikazivati ove ili druge veb stranice. Trebali biste nadograditi ili koristiti alternativni pregledač.
au sve neki sportiski ili bilderi (da da bilderi).. ja ne radim nista, pusim, pijem, ne dizem nista teze od buxne i zivim 18 godina bez ikakvih problema, visok sam oko 175 i imam oko 68kg :D toliko od mene
Tagoria is a free browser-based fantasy role playing game. Enter the world of fearless warriors! Face dangerous monsters and claim their treasures as your own! Take part in epic battles, fought in honor of the gods! Show the world that the valiant heart of a warrior beats in your chest...
``1. The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters.``
ovo sam stavio da bi imao vise od 10 karaktere (i to cu sad da praktikujem) :D