Rezultati pretrage

  1. ramirez

    {Arhiv} stari postovi - rešeni problemi

    hvala crysis, zazirao sam od dodataka ali ispalo je najbolje poslušao sam te i sve je ok..
  2. ramirez

    {Arhiv} stari postovi - rešeni problemi

    hvala vam idem da probam pozz.. fiksirao problem i postupio: This issue may occur when one or more of the .dll files that are used by the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) are missing or corrupted. These files include the following: * Msxml.dll * Msxml2.dll * Msxml3.dll To...
  3. ramirez

    {Arhiv} stari postovi - rešeni problemi

    na da,nema password itd.
  4. ramirez

    {Arhiv} stari postovi - rešeni problemi

    U zadnje vrijeme ne mogu da koristim opciju u tools/defragment pri čemu mi se javi poruka: MMC cannot open the fife C:/WINDOWS/system32/dfrg.msc. This may be because the file does not exist,is not an MMC console,or was created by later version of MMC.This may also be because you do not have...