
How To Make A Vacuum Cleaner - Ultimate DIY Explanations

Life is definitely much easier with the help of a vacuum cleaner or a
laminate floor scrubber , but have you ever thought about what it would be without them? Some of us might not be able to afford a vacuum cleaner or floor scrubber, so what should we do in situations requiring mass cleaning? We are just human after all, and cleaning everything physically on our own doesn’t sound like a good idea though.

Lucky for you, there are ways to own a vacuum cleaner without paying anything - sounds ridiculous right? But believe me, this is not a scam. Have you ever heard of the term DIY vacuum cleaners? This post will show you How to make a vacuum cleaner - Ultimate diy explanations to help you make a vacuum cleaner by yourself so that you won’t have to spare a sweat in your cleaning tasks.

Instead of spending hundreds to thousands of dollars to own a branded vacuum cleaner, you can make your own at home with cheap materials, following our instructions. However, before we start, please remember that homemade mini vacuum cleaners are only capable of vacuuming dry dust, not wet dust and wastewater. You should not use them to vacuum water or wet dust and debris to avoid dangerous fire or electric shock.

Making DIY vacuum cleaner using plastic bottles


To make our own vacuum cleaners, we need to prepare the following materials and tools:
  1. Two hard plastic bottles, optional size
  2. An empty bowel spray
  3. An empty soft drink can
  4. A piece of iron wire with a thickness of 0.5mm - 2mm
  5. One 5V . motor
  6. A motor of DC 5V
  7. One 6V . charger
  8. A straw made of plastic
  9. A filter made of first aid cloth
  10. Pen, ruler
  11. Wire
  12. Glue Guns

Step by step instructions:

After preparing all the materials as mentioned above, we will start making the vacuum cleaner, following these steps:

Step 1: First we will cut the plastic bottle into two parts. In which, the body of the bottle will take up ⅔ of the bottle.

Step 2: Cut off the 2 ends of the soft drink can then cut a straight line in the middle of the can to get a large metal plate. Draw a circle on the can that has just been cut so that the diameter is equal to the diameter of the body of the cut bottle, cut that circle.

Step 3: Use a pen and ruler to divide the circle just cut into 8 parts and then cut into 2/3 of the radius to create a propeller. Make a slight tilt of each cut to resemble a propeller.

Step 4: Drill a small hole in the center of the propeller to fit the gear of the 5V motor. Use glue to fasten the ends when attaching the gear of the vacuum cleaner motor to the impeller.

Step 5: Connect the wires to both ends of the vacuum cleaner motor.

Step 6: At the end of the plastic bottle, drill small round holes. Use two pieces of iron wire about 30cm long and then wrap it around the moto in the shape of a cross, remember to twist the two ends of the wire firmly.

Step 7: Install the well-prepared motor in the previous steps and attach it to the body of the bottle. Use glue to secure the top of the motor to the iron sections. Stick the decal on the outside of the bottle.

Step 8: Use pliers to attach the propeller and motor together

Step 9: Proceed to connect the two electrical wires of the motor to the Jack of the 5V power supply. Use glue to fix the jack of the 5V power supply on the bottom of the bottle.

Step 10: Use the plastic piece in the remaining bottle to attach to the top of the motor bottle with foam tape. Connect these two parts extra firmly with glue.

Step 11: Bend the iron wire into a circle so that it can fit inside the bottle. At this time, use the first-aid cloth on the iron wire used as a dust shield for the machine.

Step 12: Now, put the top of the bottle back on the body of the bottle and fasten the two parts together with glue. Make a switch out of two small pieces of iron and connect the wires to the switch. Use scissors to attach this switch to the vacuum cleaner body.

Step 13: Connect the power cord to the jack of the 5V power supply under the bottle body. By this step, your vacuum cleaner is basically finished, you can decorate it according to your preferences. In theory, the recipe for making a vacuum cleaner can be used similarly to make other devices such as hair dryers...


Are DIY vacuum cleaners really safe to use?

The aforementioned steps can help you make a DIY vacuum cleaner if you can’t afford a manufactured one. However, it should be noted that for long-term use and deep cleaning, DIY vacuum cleaners won’t do any help to your cleaning task, since their suction power and motor power are just 10% of an authentic vacuum cleaner. These homemade vacuum cleaners are not very effective at vacuuming, as they are only capable of vacuuming some small dust or paper scraps. Moreover, the small, incompatible design makes the cleaning process more difficult instead of simpler and easier. These DIY vacuum cleaners are not durable at all, hence they are very easy to break down and the time, effort needed to repair them will stress you out.

Besides, DIY vacuum cleaners that have not been tested can have potential dangers of fire, open electricity, and dangerous electric shock while using.

Therefore, it is recommended that you should not consider using DIY seriously - making DIY vacuum cleaners for fun, yes, but using DIY vacuum cleaners for daily cleaning, no. Actually, even with a small budget, you can still purchase a vacuum cleaner with acceptable suction power and various functions. Take a look at TheKingLive - a platform reviewing real household products - you can find a cheap but impressive vacuum cleaner for your house.

Final words

Hope that you can have some ideas of how to make a vacuum cleaner after reading our ultimate DIY explanations. Although it’s not recommended to use DIY vacuum cleaners due to safety reasons and its low efficiency, you should try making a DIY vacuum cleaner once because after all, it’s fun, and making DIY stuffs is definitely a good therapy to relieve your stress after hard-working days.
15.05.1985 (Starost: 39)