A Brilliant Young Mind (2014)

A Brilliant Young Mind (2014)
"X+Y" (original title)


Zadatak iz filma koji Nejtan rešava, imate i video na tu temu

Evo teksta zadatka na engleskom,

So... 20 random cards
are placed in a row all face-down.
A move consists of turning
a face-down card face-up (koje karte, proizvoljne?)
and turning over the card
immediately to the right. (Nije mi baš jasno gde je stavlja; može li neko da ovo objasni, eventualno skicira?)

Show that no matter
what the choice of cards to turn
this sequence of moves must terminate. (U kom smislu?)

i uopšte mi nije jasan

A ni ovaj sa "olimpijade"

"4n squared trains
are arranged in a 2n x 2n square"
"and each is painted with
one of four colours."
"Every 2 x 2 square of trains
involves each of the four colours."
"Every 2 x 2 square of trains..."
"Every 2 x 2 square of trains
involves each of the four colours."
"Prove that the trains..."
"Prove that the trains on
the comers of the 2n x 2n square"
"are painted with different colours."

Molio bih da ovo iskomentariše neko dobar sa matematikom i engleskim.